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Series: The Boys

by Author Garth Ennis


The Boys #12: Las putas puertas abajo (2013)

Ennis isn't ever going to just give us down home denouement. As long as he's got a story to finish, it's gonna finish fucked up, and the ending works with everything else that's happened, but it feels a bit flat. The finale in the last arc was so big, so over-the-top, so beyond and so exact as an...

The Boys #12: Las putas puertas abajo (2013) by Garth Ennis

The Boys, Volume 11: Over the Hills with the Swords of a Thousand Men (2012)

A good climax to the story's major arc — other than the fact that the last issue has way too much telling rather than showing, dropping in an exposition dump rather than providing a more dramatic solution for some of the comic's main mysteries. Despite that, this volume has everything that's made...

The Boys, Volume 11: Over the Hills with the Swords of a Thousand Men (2012) by Garth Ennis

The Boys, #8: El afable escocés (2011)

I find it fascinating how Ennis can take some seemingly mundane, everyday situations and infuse them with such energy, bizarre and vivid storytelling. The characters are so real and fleshed out, just by virtue of the detailed stories they tell each other, and they're like people I instantly know ...

The Boys, #8: El afable escocés (2011) by Garth Ennis

The Boys #3: Bueno para el alma (2009)

The Boys... a horrible book. So far, all of them have a great bit of horribleness to them. And yet, I'm still reading them.The Boys are five people: all are on the team to take out the Superhero that has done unforgiveable things. Which, btw, they do all the time, and the graphic novels show thes...

The Boys #3: Bueno para el alma (2009) by Garth Ennis

The Boys T.06: Quand Faut Y Aller (2000)

You get what you expect with The Boys: swearing, extreme violence, nudity. You either like it or you don't and if your reading this far into the series, you've got like it (or be mad).However this seems a bit of a mis-step. After an interesting beginning with characters like Stormfront, it moves ...

The Boys T.06:  Quand Faut Y Aller (2000) by Garth Ennis

The Boys T.05 (2000)

Viiendaks köiteks ammendavad end ultravägivald ja nabaalute naljade ja nabaaluse enda ohter demonstreerimine. Esile nihkub miski paralleelmaailma 11.09. katastroof ja valitsuse osalus selles. See kõik on aga edasi antud väga pika möla saatel, jutumulle on palju, nad on suured ja tihedat teksti tä...

The Boys T.05 (2000) by Garth Ennis

The Boys, Tome 2: Prends ça (2000)

As I'd hoped, there's a better balance to things in the second installment of The Boys and I found myself enjoying it more as a result. It still pushes boundaries seemingly for the sake of it, which would seem to be the creator's intent, but this time around does a much better job of contextualis...

The Boys, Tome 2:  Prends ça (2000) by Garth Ennis

The Boys, Tome 7: Les Innocents (2011)

This is the soap-opera book of the series - besides a storyline involving a disgraced hero taking command of a weird kids-oriented supergroup who barely have powers, the bulk of the book focuses on Hughie and Starlight's relationship. Yup, this is the one where Hughie finds out about Starlight be...

The Boys, Tome 7: Les Innocents (2011) by Garth Ennis

The Boys, #4: Nos damos el piro (2009)

I don't want to get into any spoilers since Ennis builds up a mystery of sorts on multiple fronts, and even works an empathetic angle for some pretty unpleasant characters. Despite some of the rather over-the-top content, I find myself liking this book more and more--perhaps because it also cont...

The Boys, #4: Nos damos el piro (2009) by Garth Ennis

We Gotta Go Now (2009)

The Boy'si peab ikka ilgelt tähelepanelikult lugema sest siin juhtub palju ja tähelepanuväärsed sündmused võivad mööda lipsata nii et ei märkagi. Rõhk on ikkagi graafilisel ja detailsel vägivallal ning kõval panemisel. Superkangelased nimelt panevad kõik kõiki, palju ja pidevalt. Seega on joonist...

We Gotta Go Now (2009) by Garth Ennis

The Boys, #2: Moja (2009)

Discovered Garth with Preacher....this stuff has more violence and more sex. I'd give the first half 2 stars and the second half 4 stars, so I just went with 3.

The Boys, #2: Moja (2009) by Garth Ennis

The Boys, Volume 7: The Innocents (2010)

Normally The Boys is a sort of guilty-pleasure for me, so this one took me completely by surprise. The character dynamics and development were phenomenal, and Garth Ennis proved his talent for varied writing by composing a bit of romance without the usual sap. I don't know how he pulled it off, ...

The Boys, Volume 7: The Innocents (2010) by Garth Ennis

The Boys, Volume 6: The Self-Preservation Society (2010)

Finally! I've been wanting two things from the Boys since Vol 1: their individual back stories and to see some consequences for their actions. Thus far the Boys have terrorised the superhero community with almost no repercussions and don't get me wrong it's been great to see them put the supes in...

The Boys, Volume 6: The Self-Preservation Society (2010) by Garth Ennis

The Boys, Volume 5: Herogasm (2009)

What can I say ? Herogasm bored the hell out of me. It took me too much time to read it complete and I can't say I understand 100 % of what this was about. But, well, there were some high points, like the parody of The Fantastic 4, and could it be Uncle Dream a parody of Sandman ?The free sex wa...

The Boys, Volume 5: Herogasm (2009) by Garth Ennis

The Boys, Volume 4: We Gotta Go Now (2009)

This TPB explores the up and coming superheroes, how they 'come about'... and 'mature'. WARNING: the content of this installation of The Boys is very upsetting, as it has a lot to do with children, and inappropriate behavior (I'd go into it more, but don't want to spoil or hide behind a spoiler.)...

The Boys, Volume 4: We Gotta Go Now (2009) by Garth Ennis

The Boys, Volume 3: Good For The Soul (2008)

Third volume into this great series, and nothing yet makes me want to stop reading. This one has a lot more about the characters, history, and background info that led us to where things sit here: a sort of Cold War stalemate between the Seven (Think JLA) and the Boys. Hughie gets more ink than ...

The Boys, Volume 3: Good For The Soul (2008) by Garth Ennis

The Boys, Volume 2: Get Some (2008)

A hell of a comic this is, it have all that I search on a story : blood, sex, insults ... And most of all, it's a really intelligent story. The book is divided in two arcs, the first one taking on homophobic and murder. A character that resembles Batman, with a serious fuck-it-all problem, and hi...

The Boys, Volume 2: Get Some (2008) by Garth Ennis