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The Boys #3: Bueno Para El Alma (2009)

The Boys #3: Bueno para el alma (2009)

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4.08 of 5 Votes: 2
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8498479231 (ISBN13: 9788498479232)
Norma Editorial (Dynamite Entertainment)

About book The Boys #3: Bueno Para El Alma (2009)

The Boys... a horrible book. So far, all of them have a great bit of horribleness to them. And yet, I'm still reading them.The Boys are five people: all are on the team to take out the Superhero that has done unforgiveable things. Which, btw, they do all the time, and the graphic novels show these acts, horribly. And overly honestly. I do believe the printers go through an awful lot of red ink ;)And yet, the book redeems itself, somewhat. It certainly doesn't indulge itself in hero worship. This is a really interesting series that looks at things like the glorification of violence, the objectification of female superheroes, the roles corporations play in war, and much else. It is also completely irreverent, and makes no effort not to offend. In fact, you might say it intends to shock and offend. I have no complaints about that, I think you go into reading this series knowing what it is about. It is definitely not for everyone. There is explicit sex and violence.I personally admire the irreverence, and the parodying of classic superheroes, but there are definitely parts I am uncomfortable with. The idea that the superheroes aren't as great as they are made out to be makes perfect sense. There are even a few touching moments, such as the friendship between The Frenchman and The Female. However, as someone who likes to avoid the too harsh realities of real life to live in the idea of an urban fantasy type magical world hiding in the shadows all around us, I think this series might be getting a bit too lurid for me. Sometimes I feel reading it is a bit like some horrible accident you can't look away from. I don't currently have any of the other volumes, so time will tell if I keep reading or not.

Do You like book The Boys #3: Bueno Para El Alma (2009)?

Really getting into this series now. Almost as good as Hitman.

By part 3 I'd decided not to buy anymore.

Individual issues on comixology

So wrong and yet so right.

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