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The Boys, #8: El Afable Escocés (2011)

The Boys, #8: El afable escocés (2011)

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Norma Editorial (Boom! Studios)

About book The Boys, #8: El Afable Escocés (2011)

I find it fascinating how Ennis can take some seemingly mundane, everyday situations and infuse them with such energy, bizarre and vivid storytelling. The characters are so real and fleshed out, just by virtue of the detailed stories they tell each other, and they're like people I instantly know (and at the same time have many secrets and layers yet to reveal).Then Ennis adds to the mix a few details of weird, hard, mean people/situations and just let's them slowly find their way to our main characters. Nothing forced, just the usual foolishness that the world gets up to (mixed of course with Ennis' touch for the outlandish, vile and/or ridiculous). Entertaining? Hell yes.This book diverts from the momentum of the mainline series with another miniseries, which gives us a little breather and a chance I get to know another side of Hughie and his almost...normal past. Why did Ennis decide to write this? I don't know and frankly don't care much - I'd probably read his 2030 works about the seedy underbelly of his old folks' home experiences, or the incredible goings-on in a janitor's closet.The artist isn't bad - in fact a pretty fair facsimile of Robertson's work. I find it's a bit harder to follow who's who with this guy, but also interesting to enjoy the contrast.This story builds up to some great suspense, and now I *really* want to read the next volume. Can't come quickly enough. While collected under the "The Boys" series, this book was actually a 6-part parallel mini-series, dealing with Wee Hughie's crisis of conscience and return to his Scottish home town. Typical Garth Ennis dark hilarity ensues regarding how things have changed back home, and when one of the parts of his life he was fleeing catches up with him, Hughie has to decide if he will ever return to the Boys.It's a quieter tale than most of the Boys' outings, with very little of the title's over-the-top violence (or sex). But that's to let us in a bit more on Hughie's background, and give him some time to think about his life. It's actually pretty decently crafted, with John McCrea taking over passably on the art.

Do You like book The Boys, #8: El Afable Escocés (2011)?

Surprisingly tame compared tot he other volumes.

a very character driven trade

Garth never disappoints me.

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