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We Gotta Go Now (2009)

We Gotta Go Now (2009)

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4.05 of 5 Votes: 4
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1606900994 (ISBN13: 9781606900994)
Dynamite Entertainment

About book We Gotta Go Now (2009)

The Boy'si peab ikka ilgelt tähelepanelikult lugema sest siin juhtub palju ja tähelepanuväärsed sündmused võivad mööda lipsata nii et ei märkagi. Rõhk on ikkagi graafilisel ja detailsel vägivallal ning kõval panemisel. Superkangelased nimelt panevad kõik kõiki, palju ja pidevalt. Seega on joonistatud seksuaalakte siin ka vaese mehe pornoajakirja jagu. Üldiselt on järgmine osa spinoff-minisari "Herogasm", mille kohta juba olen ette kuulnud et see on eriti ropult pöörane. No vaatame... Another strong volume in a series that started shaky but gained some serious momentum and delivered exquisitely quirky yet poignant storytelling by the third volume. "We Gotta Go Now" doesn't have the same big picture relevance the previous collection "Good for the Soul" did, but it works well enough as a character story to make up for that. It does wonderfully on the plot level as well, and brings the series' strongest unifying theme of exploring human prejudice and selfishness to the game nicely.It'll be interesting to see how long the characters' preconceptions hold through the series as they have to re-evaluate their outlook on life story after story. And do so in a context that is outrageously wacky enough to keep the reader from being preached to death.

Do You like book We Gotta Go Now (2009)?

I am pleased to see this series back to basics, I really didn't enjoy the last volume but this was much better. It's funny, it's violent and it's got back on track with the good storytelling. What this series does need is more of the French man, I love the plot development between him and the Female, I want some more page time on that relationship.Recommended for fans of the series and folk not weak of heart.

I am pleased to see this series back to basics, I really didn't enjoy the last volume but this was much better. It's funny, it's violent and it's got back on track with the good storytelling. What this series does need is more of the French man, I love the plot development between him and the Female, I want some more page time on that relationship.Recommended for fans of the series and folk not weak of heart.

This series is my new crack. Love it!

Still loving it :)

Excellent series.

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