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The Boys, Volume 5: Herogasm (2009)

The Boys, Volume 5: Herogasm (2009)

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3.89 of 5 Votes: 2
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160690082X (ISBN13: 9781606900826)
Dynamite Entertainment

About book The Boys, Volume 5: Herogasm (2009)

What can I say ? Herogasm bored the hell out of me. It took me too much time to read it complete and I can't say I understand 100 % of what this was about. But, well, there were some high points, like the parody of The Fantastic 4, and could it be Uncle Dream a parody of Sandman ?The free sex was ok, kind of super-hero-porn, and it even have some laughs, but, the whole story was weak.Let's see what have the next vol. To offer. Holy illustrated boobs Batman! Here's a tip; don't try reading this comic on a train or any other public place. I don't think I've ever seen so much illustrated nudity that wasn't outright porn. Anyway the Boys story takes a detour as we spend some time the annual superheroes retreat where the world's super-powered celebrities enjoy a week excess that would make Caligula blush. The Boys follow on a agenda of their own and violent hijinks ensue.As with (most of) the other volumes Herogasm is funny and dark and crude but I feel at this point that they are retreading a lot of old ground (it's been well established several times that the supes lead lives of insane debauchery) and I don't really think we needed a whole volume full of sex and partying to emphasise the point anymore. I also wasn't a big fan of the character Vic the Veep, a lecherous mentally handicapped Boys-verse version of George Bush. I'm not against ripping on Bush or bringing personal politics into art but I do object to both when it's at the expense of such a good story. I honestly felt a lot of time was being wasted here for no good reason.Still good, still funny but this is probably the weakest volume of the series so far.

Do You like book The Boys, Volume 5: Herogasm (2009)?

Practically pornography, not funny and did really add to the story arch.

twisted and hilarious. ennis at his perverted best

waste of time didnt do much for the overall story

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