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The Boys, Volume 4: We Gotta Go Now (2009)

The Boys, Volume 4: We Gotta Go Now (2009)

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4.05 of 5 Votes: 3
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1606900358 (ISBN13: 9781606900352)
Dynamite Entertainment

About book The Boys, Volume 4: We Gotta Go Now (2009)

This TPB explores the up and coming superheroes, how they 'come about'... and 'mature'. WARNING: the content of this installation of The Boys is very upsetting, as it has a lot to do with children, and inappropriate behavior (I'd go into it more, but don't want to spoil or hide behind a spoiler.)We see the character development of the Frenchman and the Female (though she never speaks); also more development of Wee Hughie and his romantic relationship. Good story, plenty of space for the scenes, plot and characters to breathe, and some interesting little subplot moments to keep me interested.However, even though this is a spot-on parody of all the "heartfelt angst" tripe that has plagued the X-Men in it's worst moments (which parody I apparently appreciate), there's still something missing this round for me. I think it's either that I've got the rhythm of this series so there's few wide-eyed surprises at this point, or there weren't as many belly laughs (maybe because I'm more of an earnest fan of the put-upon X-Men than I'd like to admit).Still as I think back on this story it was pretty crazy and definitely silly where it needed to be. Their take on Wolverine was bang-on.Maybe I just felt tense for Wee Hughie through this story, waiting for things to come crashing down around his head.Nice ending note on this book - *there* was my wide-eyed moment.

Do You like book The Boys, Volume 4: We Gotta Go Now (2009)?

the wolverine spoof is hillarious, this is an exemplary comic book series.

Still irreverent. still nasty. Still entertaining.

issues 23-30. fyi.

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