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The Boys, #4: Nos Damos El Piro (2009)

The Boys, #4: Nos damos el piro (2009)

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4.05 of 5 Votes: 2
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8498477425 (ISBN13: 9788498477429)
Norma Editorial (Dynamite Entertainment)

About book The Boys, #4: Nos Damos El Piro (2009)

I don't want to get into any spoilers since Ennis builds up a mystery of sorts on multiple fronts, and even works an empathetic angle for some pretty unpleasant characters. Despite some of the rather over-the-top content, I find myself liking this book more and more--perhaps because it also contains some pretty down-to-earth character development--or down-to-earth considering the over-the-top nature of the work. -¿Y contra quién nos la agarramos en este arco argumental?-Esteee... A ver, metele que con los X-Men.-Bueno, ¿y si hacemos que los formó un viejo degenerado y que son quchicientos mil miembros repartidos en topocientos grupos y que entre sí se llevan como el orto y se discriminan por las razones más pelotudas?-Dale, pero con una condición, ¡¡que termine con que todos (SPOILER)!!Así supongo yo que se habrá pensado este tomo de The Boys. Y mierda si les salió bien. La mala leche, el ingenio y el talento de siempre esta vez están dedicados a dejar mal parado al sueño de Xavier y su megaimperio de seres superpoderosos. Menos mal que "The Boys" no existía cuando era chico, porque seguro me habría hecho perder la fe en los superhéroes. O qué lástima. La cuestión: otro tomo imperdible con lo mejor y lo peor de sus autores condensados. Lástima el final para el pobre grupo Jr.

Do You like book The Boys, #4: Nos Damos El Piro (2009)?

Here we go again ... Garth Ennis's preoccupation with sex ruins a good story.A tale that should have taken 4 issues to tell is stretched out over 7 because Mr Ennis thinks it's funny to have a page showing 6 boys wanking each other off while watching porn.The sad part is when the story is allowed to flow and we watch the more resonably behaved characters, it's actually a pretty good plot and those parts are well written. But the page wasted showing 6 guys pissing on a drunk guy's face is just stupid. And that's not an isolated case.Yes, Mr Ennis, we get these characters are purile morons. We get that they're drunking imbeciles. But the obvious delight you take in showing their debauchery is getting tedious.

The Boys saga treads water for another seven issues. In the grand scheme of things this is unlikely to be a problem as these 7 issues are lively, fun, full of a lot of good humour and further some of the storylines of the overall comic quite nicely. Nothing here is quite as in your face, smart or clever as The Boys at its very best though and that's always going to be a bit of a disappointment isn't it?

Not quite sure why this story was taking place.

I am done with this nonsense.

Holy shit!, That was dark...

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