Loved, loved, loved this story. Bear Necessities is a spin-off of the Halle Pumas series, and another link to the Poconos Pack series. The things Bunny did to Tabby??? HOT. I found Tabby's history sad and was very happy she got the HEA she deserved. The whole Jim and Chloe backstory is annoying me. I just want them to get together and get over it. I suspect the outcasted Poconos females (from Steele Beauty) are behind the attacks on half-breeds. This book was longer than the Puma series, but still overpriced. I think I may have set a record reading this book so fast. It was soooo good! Of course with a bear named Bunny it's safe to say it had some very funny parts. Now, I realize after reading it that this series is a offshoot to the Halle Puma series and I usually try to read everything in order. Oppsie. There was a lot going on in this book with several characters so it's not just Bunny & Tabby's story. I'm already looking forward to reading the rest of the books. Gotta love shifters!