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The Near Witch (2011)

The Near Witch (2011)

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3.79 of 5 Votes: 4
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1423137876 (ISBN13: 9781423137870)
Hyperion Books CH

About book The Near Witch (2011)

I didn't think this sounded like my type of book at all, but I kept hearing such good things about it that my curiosity was piqued. And am I ever glad I picked it up! Ms. Schwab's writing is seriously wonderful! From the very first page, it swept me up and refused to let loose until I reached the end. Resonating with sounds and tastes and feelings, it is wonderfully expressive. While the story seems like a fantasy, at the same time, it really feels more like a historical novel. It's such a curious mix of so many different things. And it does them all well! When I closed the last page, I immediately turned the book over and started reading my favorite parts again. I love it when stories do that for me. I have, without a doubt, become a huge fan of Ms. Schwab's writing and look forward to reading more from her. Highly recommend!!!! I liked this book. I couldn't give it a complete 5 stars because it did take me awhile to get into it and i found myself getting fustrated with the main character. I liked Lexi but she was a character whom i felt i wanted to shout, "look at your life, look at your choices" the entire way through. I thought the conclusion was great for the book but i don't see me rereading this one any time soon. But once it picked up i did enjoy it, i found myself on the edge of my seat at many points.

Do You like book The Near Witch (2011)?

This story was beautiful. I loved the descriptions and the romance. Amazing debut novel.

Amazingly adorable couple and an eerie plot. Wonderful

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