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Felszabadulás (2014)

Felszabadulás (2014)

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Főnix Könyvműhely

About book Felszabadulás (2014)

4.5I actually didn't mean to start this book for another week but, I was really intrigued and I missed Wesley ( i genuinely missed him and i had just finished reading The Archived)I think this book is better than the first one.. i really really do. The plot is better and since we already know the world it doesn't waste time reintroducing us which i liked. My only complain about this book is that i still feel like it could have use more Wesley. Also, Mackenzie is kind of intolerable some times..i still love her though and well in this one the action doesn't start until the last chapters but i didn't get bored like i did in the first one without the action because there were other things happening that prevented me from getting bored (Wesley interactions with Mackenzie are gold)So, Yes i am satisfied with this book.. and i really hope there is more to this story. This book had me on edge constantly (in the best way)! There was always something happening, a mystery to figure out and I loved it! I considered this book to be every bit as good as the first book in the series and I cannot wait for the third :D This book was everything I could ask for and more, it's quickly becoming one of my favourite series (Not my absolute favourite, everyone knows that spot is saved for Harry Potter, but it's pretty high up there!)

Do You like book Felszabadulás (2014)?

Liked it as a second book, but not as an end for a duology, so hopefully, there's more to come.

3rd book, please do come out soon.... I need you in my life


This series is amazing!

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