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Dveře Do Prázdnoty (2014)

Dveře do prázdnoty (2014)

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4.38 of 5 Votes: 5
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About book Dveře Do Prázdnoty (2014)

A strong sequel. I liked that the plot focused on Mac's internal struggle to come to terms with first the events of the last book but also her feelings about other people and her position within the world she occupies. It made for really interesting reading. I loved the mystery elements [what happened to these people and why?], the introduction of new characters, and the expansion of the Archive world. A great follow-up. Will definitely recommend. This book is, in every possible meaning of the word, perfection. Down to the very last page I ADORED this book (especially the very last page!!!). This is THE BEST book I've read all year I will be desperately waiting another installment. But I have to say, if MacKenzie ends here I wouldn't even be mad. I love this book because it has the possibility to be more (a third book), while not insisting on it. Also it's important to note that this book was a sequel to a book that didn't necessarily have to have a sequel AND IT WAS BETTER THAN THE FIRST. It not only kept true to the original story but it enhanced it and not once did you ever feel exhausted or want to roll your eyes back into your head and ask the book gods why they ever let this story continue. It is brilliant. Now excuse me, I have to scramble to purchase everything Victoria Schwab has ever written and frantically read it all.

Do You like book Dveře Do Prázdnoty (2014)?

I really enjoy reading this series. I am looking forward to reading the next installment.

So incredibly good. I enjoyed this even more than the first one.

4.5, lepší, zajímavější, akčnější než jednička :)

I really hope that the story doesn't end here

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