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Victoria Schwab

Victoria Schwab
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4.09 of 5 Votes: 4
Books: 8 | Review: 1 | Avg rating: 4.06

Books by Victoria Schwab


The Archived (2013)

I've had it up to my eyeballs and beyond with teen paranormal/fantasy stories, so I was skeptical when this book was recommended to me. I'm glad I caved in and bought it. The world-building is small and contained but absolutely spectacular. The main character, Mackenzie, is a sixteen-year-old who...

The Archived (2013) by Victoria Schwab

The Near Witch (2011)

I didn't think this sounded like my type of book at all, but I kept hearing such good things about it that my curiosity was piqued. And am I ever glad I picked it up! Ms. Schwab's writing is seriously wonderful! From the very first page, it swept me up and refused to let loose until I reached the...

The Near Witch (2011) by Victoria Schwab

The Unbound (2014)

A great sequel to the amazing first book. Mac is back, but she has some series stuff going on. After her encounter with Owen, she is suffering from some PTSD. Or is she! She keeps having realistic dreams about him. Could they be coming true?! I will not tell. But I loved the character of W...

The Unbound (2014) by Victoria Schwab

Dveře do prázdnoty (2014)

A strong sequel. I liked that the plot focused on Mac's internal struggle to come to terms with first the events of the last book but also her feelings about other people and her position within the world she occupies. It made for really interesting reading. I loved the mystery elements [what ...

Dveře do prázdnoty (2014) by Victoria Schwab

Felszabadulás (2014)

4.5I actually didn't mean to start this book for another week but, I was really intrigued and I missed Wesley ( i genuinely missed him and i had just finished reading The Archived)I think this book is better than the first one.. i really really do. The plot is better and since we already know the...

Felszabadulás (2014) by Victoria Schwab

A Bruxa de Near (2013)

I want to give it a higher rating, because parts of it are well-thought out (the details, some of the descriptions), the suffocating feel of a small village with narrow-minded folk. But the upcoming injustice and action against Cole was obvious from the beginning, and I just read with this sense ...

A Bruxa de Near (2013) by Victoria Schwab

Archiv (2014)

5/5. Wow. This is a book where the world is so amazingly thought out. Everything just fits, it is just right. Victoria Schwab, you have done an amazing job.If you haven't read this book yet, I suggest you pick it up right now. It is such an unique story, with unique, funny, cute characters and mi...

Archiv (2014) by Victoria Schwab

Das Mädchen, das Geschichten fängt (2014)

4.5 stars.What an adventure!I actually thought the beginning was rather slow and drab and at times even wanted to put the book down, but I'm glad I ploughed through the first few chapters because I really enjoyed the rest of the book! This is a book that isn't really all that action-packed but ra...

Das Mädchen, das Geschichten fängt (2014) by Victoria Schwab

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