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Das Mädchen, Das Geschichten Fängt (2014)

Das Mädchen, das Geschichten fängt (2014)

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3453410335 (ISBN13: 9783453410336)

About book Das Mädchen, Das Geschichten Fängt (2014)

4.5 stars.What an adventure!I actually thought the beginning was rather slow and drab and at times even wanted to put the book down, but I'm glad I ploughed through the first few chapters because I really enjoyed the rest of the book! This is a book that isn't really all that action-packed but rather depended on the plot to develop at a slow but steady pace. What I liked about the book was that the mystery of the situation managed to keep me on my toes. The concept of this book is amazing and unique to me, what with the dead being stored like books in libraries and the unpredictable plot twist that I totally did not see coming! (Or maybe I'm just slow as usual)The characters were quite charming, though I felt that there were some undeveloped places such as Mac's weird neighbour with the cats or even other rather interesting side-characters like Roland and Da. The story ended on quite a surprising note, and for me it seemed like while there weren't quite enough details to support the ending, if the author had continued with her current pace, the story may have become too plot-driven.All in all, it was for me a lighter read when compared to the recent boom in popularity of Dystopian Fiction books in the YA genre (Still not necessarily light in general). A lovely change for sure! The Archived is one of my favorite books that I read this year.Imagine that when you're dead, your body become a History and is kept in this world called the Archives. Yeah, like books in a library. Librarians are working in the Archives. Between our world (The Outer) and the Archives, there are the Narrows, were The Keeper are patrolling. Because Histories can awaken, and when they do, they go the narrow, and tries to go back to their life. They usually slip. Keepers are here to lead them back where they belong.The main character is a Keeper. Mackenzie is an unusual one though. Her Grandpa introduced her to the Archived 4 years ago, which is too young according to the archived rules.Mackenzie lost her brother, and her family decided to move to this old hotel transformed into a block of flats.She is dealing with her loss, and her job. She has to lie to her parents, because no one can know about the Archived. She can count on Roland, a librarian who know her story and is a kind of mentor for her since her grand pa Da passed away.She met Wesley aka Guyliner according to her best friend. It happens that he is also a Keeper ! In the Narrows she is saved by Owen. Owen is a mistery. He is a History who hadn't slipped. Yet. Mackenzie got attached to him, even if she knows that she will have to send him back, eventually.Victoria Schwab got me hooked with this story. I love the world she created ! I never read something like this before ! The characters development is present, especially for Mackenzie. She got used, then learned to use her brain and trust her gut.She is not just a whiny girl and I appreciated that, a lot.I really liked Wesley ! So witty, yet so delicate toward Mackenzie. How to tell her that he knows, how he wants to help her, how he regrets letting her behing when he discovered the truth. He may be my favorite character.Owen. I knew something was wrong with him from the beginning ! Well done ! Some parts of the books were a little too predictable but that's a minor thing, really ! This book has an amazing storyline, a good plot twist and lovelies characters ! I highly recommend this book !

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