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Archiv (2014)

Archiv (2014)

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4.06 of 5 Votes: 5
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About book Archiv (2014)

5/5. Wow. This is a book where the world is so amazingly thought out. Everything just fits, it is just right. Victoria Schwab, you have done an amazing job.If you haven't read this book yet, I suggest you pick it up right now. It is such an unique story, with unique, funny, cute characters and mind-blowing dimensions. I have read this book in one day, and most of it in one read, just because I couldn't put this book down. The story is so gripping, mysterious and I just wanted to read more and more and more. I have the sequel "The Unbound" laying next to me, and I can't wait to pick it up. OKAY I LOVED THIS WAY MORE THAN I THOUGHT I WOULD I honestly think this is my favorite series of 2014 (not like made in 2014 but that I read in 2014) I love the alteration between the present of Mac's life and before with Da. I loved the beginning and the sentence about how Da thinks she'll forget the stories but she never does. WESLEY IS JUST GUYLINERHE IS MY KIND OF GUY I WANT TO TAKE HIM OUT OF THE BOOK AND PUT HIM IN MY CLOSET-sorry that got out of hand CXFFS OWEN I CRINGE AT THE NAME. At first I was like, okay, okay, he might be cool, bUT AS SOON AS HE LAID HIS DIRTY HANDS ON MAC I WAS JUST BITCH NO. ONLY WES CAN DO THAT Okay I don't know why but Roland is like my favorite character or some shit. LIke I JUST LOVE HIM FOR NO APPARENT REASON. I think I just have a thing for guardian-like characters that protect the main character or act as a parental figure. (sort of like how I have a thing for Rei from Love Stage oh my gosh has anyone ever seen that show?! No? Okay) On a serious note, I love the way the book is written and I love the plot and characters. The whole idea of Keepers is really cool to me. (I imagine Owen looking like Clear from DMMD??)

Do You like book Archiv (2014)?

What a great world. Loved the story. But I think I liked Vicious a little bit more. Hence, 4/5 :)

I could not put this book down! Loved it! Can't wait to read more from Victoria Schwab.

The grief in this book was palpable. I teared up several times.

I missed the feeling of having finished a truly good book :^)

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