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Prikriveno Zlo (2000)

Prikriveno Zlo (2000)

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4.04 of 5 Votes: 3
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Evro Giunti

About book Prikriveno Zlo (2000)

Didn't like this one as much as the first. How someone freshly off a breakdown could survive the wacked out world she was inhabiting on NO sleep and be any sort of functional blows my mind. It seemed she spent a lot of time crying and screaming and acting screwy, but she still seemed to attract friends and boys. Don't get it.I did enjoy the haunting factor, and the suspense and mystery was intriguing. Scary, Great, Addictive! A greatly paced read, i would recommend this along with the first novel, Possessions. Definitely Worth a look, the description doesn't do the story justice. The author Nancy Holder has a genuine gift for writing style and pacing. Holder's writing style is simple yet very affective which is rather hard to pull off. It takes a good deal of effort to write in that style, if done wrong it can come across rather messy and lazy.But you can clearly see she has done wright and had taken the correct path as you can plainly tell when reading that a lot of time was put into this novel. You can tell by the way it's built up page by page, no lazy half heart attempt at writing here.Now the books Possessions and The Evil Within wont become classics as the story isn't all to original but giving credit to where it's due: i find these books to be good and interesting quick reads. Would recommend when traveling to pass the time etc.x

Do You like book Prikriveno Zlo (2000)?

Not as good as the first but still a really good and creepy story.

Wow this was even better than the first book! Very creepy.

Loved it!!! so good!! sad but really good!

Absolutely loved it! It's was awesome! :)

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