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Nancy Holder

Nancy Holder
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3.82 of 5 Votes: 2
Books: 9 | Review: 0 | Avg rating: 3.82

Books by Nancy Holder


Opsednutost (2000)

I have to say, I am being a little bit generous with the rating. The only reason why I am giving the book three stars is because there were certain scenes throughout the book (mainly, toward the end) that were actually well-written, and even pretty creepy.I had high expectations for the book, whi...

Opsednutost (2000) by Nancy Holder

Possessions (2009)

I had a lot of issues conserning this book. The first and most obvious one is the insta friendship around which the whole plot rolls around. If there weren't Lindsay's irritating desire to protect her new best friend Julie, who is really mean towards Lindsay most of the time, this book wouldn't h...

Possessions (2009) by Nancy Holder

Teen Wolf Novel (2000)

As a huge fan of the show, I was eager to read this novel and I wanted nothing more than to love it because Teen Wolf has been one of my favourite shows for a long time. I'll be honest, I liked it, but I didn't LOVE it. Maybe I had exceedingly high expectations for this book because of my love fo...

Teen Wolf Novel (2000) by Nancy Holder

On Fire: A Teen Wolf Novel (2012)

This is most certainly a tie-in novel. By which I mean, it's hampered by the need to fit seamlessly between episodes of the TV show without altering the status quo of any characters, and it has to rely on the tidbits of information the author has been given about the characters' back stories tha...

On Fire: A Teen Wolf Novel (2012) by Nancy Holder

Prikriveno Zlo (2000)

Didn't like this one as much as the first. How someone freshly off a breakdown could survive the wacked out world she was inhabiting on NO sleep and be any sort of functional blows my mind. It seemed she spent a lot of time crying and screaming and acting screwy, but she still seemed to attract...

Prikriveno Zlo (2000) by Nancy Holder

Vanquished (2012)

Okay, well I finally finished this trilogy and I do not know where to begin. Crusader was really good and had so much promise in it, that I was determined to read the other installments. Damned lower the star rating by a lot, it was simply a hot mess. Now, Vanquished. Vanquished was more than a h...

Vanquished (2012) by Nancy Holder

Pretty Little Devils (2007)

Pretty Little DevilsBy Nancy Holder256 pp. New York, New York. Razorbill, $14.99ISBN: 1-59514-030-1ttMost realistic fiction novels, such as The Clique, are the same; they have the same boring plot. You can tell how the story is going to end and the characters are boring and dull. If you’re intere...

Pretty Little Devils (2007) by Nancy Holder

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