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Pretty Little Devils (2007)

Pretty Little Devils (2007)

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1595141529 (ISBN13: 9781595141521)

About book Pretty Little Devils (2007)

Pretty Little DevilsBy Nancy Holder256 pp. New York, New York. Razorbill, $14.99ISBN: 1-59514-030-1ttMost realistic fiction novels, such as The Clique, are the same; they have the same boring plot. You can tell how the story is going to end and the characters are boring and dull. If you’re interested in reading a book that has twists and turns, Pretty Little Devils by Nancy Holder is perfect for you. Just by reading the blurb, you’ll feel eager to read it! The characters are far fetched and the plot is entertaining since it keeps you at the edge of your seat. You won’t be able to guess how it’s going to end. After the first couple of chapters, you’d be surprised at how different this book is compared to others. tAll Hazel ever wanted to do was become one of the PLD’s, also known as the Pretty Little Devils, which is the most popular clique at school. They’re rich, popular, and they’re always the center of attention. She believed they were way better than her “lame” friends she always sat at lunch with. At least, that’s what she thought at first. Hazel takes you through the journey of how she became one of the PLD’s, thanks to Sylvia, the head of the PLD’s, and her fellow members who saw something in her. Of course, Hazel accepts the invitation to become one of them, but realizes what she got into.tEverything is going very well for Hazel; she has a new boyfriend that she has been crushing on for months, has “A-List” friends, and has tons of popularity. She didn’t know she’d have enemies, such as Breona Wu, who hates the PLD’s guts. She also didn’t know she’d be involved in a series of murders, caused by one of the PLD’s. Holder’s new novel is much different than her regular mystery books. Her style of writing is much more sophisticated and intriguing, although it doesn’t grab your attention in the first two chapters. To make things interesting, she also allows you to read the Instant Messages the original four PLD’s send and receive. You’ll probably think you know who the mastermind behind the murders is, but you’d have to think again. tThe lesson of Pretty Little Devils keeps showing up throughout the book. It’s not an uncommon lesson, but it is an important one. Be yourself, no matter what. Hazel tries to hide her true self whenever she hangs out with the PLDs, which gets her into many problems. Changing yourself to get people to like you never ends up nicely, and this book shows it. Reading this book would take a very short time, since it’s one of those types of books you don’t want to put down. You’d be satisfied after you read Pretty Little Devils and would want to recommend it to your friends. Many wonder why there isn’t a sequel to the book, and here’s the answer: nothing is better than the first book of a series.

This book was NOTHING what I expected it to be! The cover makes you think that the book would be similar to the Gossip Girls series, in some ways it is but the whole plot of the story is completely different.tThe book takes place in a high school, Brookhaven High, where the most popular girls are known as the Pretty Little Devils. It’s the typical high school where everyone wants to fit in and be part of the top clique. The group consists of three girls, and one transitioning into becoming a Pretty Little Devil. All three girls are in secret relationships with the jocks of the school. This begins to cause underlying tension and conflict between the girls who all want him. As the book progresses, the group begins to get messages from an unknown character who threatens them. The girls start out thinking that the messages are a prank from one of their haters, but as time progresses it proves to be real, someone is coming after them to kill them.tI liked the book because it was something different. But it wasn’t my favorite book because the story is very unbelievable and the way it is written sounds like the author is trying very hard to capture teenage behavior and the way they talk but it doesn’t work out. It was an interesting book and I recommend people who like the gossip girl series or any books similar to that.

Do You like book Pretty Little Devils (2007)?

Hazel Stone goes to your stereotypical high school, where cliques and cheerleaders reign. This book greatly reminded me of Pretty Little Liars--even up to the point where I'd call Pretty Little Liars to be a rendition of this. I was surprised at how few people saw the resemblance. I'm mean, come on; lies, cyber-bullying, cliques, mysteries--and pretty little girls who don't seem as they look? Plus, "Pretty Little Liars" and "Pretty Little Devils"? Anyway, Hazel Stone seems like a sycophant in the beginning of the book. A "c-lister", or in other words your average, boring high schooler hanging around with a bunch of nerds. At the beginning it's revealed what she thinks of her geeky "friends". Later she becomes more respectable. Megan and Caroline are parallel to Emily in the Pretty Little Liars books. They're really not that important. Then Ellen. Ah, the famous Ellen. She's this wimpy character that seems to be the PLD's whipping boy. A dirty job? Ring up Ellen. She's becoming an embarrassment; her hair's a mess, she's poorly dressed. The alpha, the intimidating Sylvia Orly, decides it's time to get another friend. Thus Hazel Stone comes into the picture.I rather liked Sylvia at first. I pitied Ellen and didn't really care about Hazel. Hazel and Matty seemed to have one of those unrealistic, super-fast relationships. They don't even know each other at all throughout the whole book.I admit the book was suspenseful. Sometimes I couldn't really keep up with all the scandals, though. The ending was less than satisfactory. I just hope there isn't a never-ending series like the PLL series. Speaking of, the PLD was much better in plot and writing.

Characters - Hazel - Sylvia - Megan - Carolyn - Ellen - Brandon- Breona Wu - Matty Overview of the storyA girl named Hazel always dreamed of being in with the popular crowd. There was a group of girls named Sylvia, the group leader, Carolyn, Megan, and Ellen. They were called the PLD's Pretty Little Devils. They were the most popular girls in the school. Hazel would do anything to be in that group. One day at lunch Sylvia bumped into Hazel throwing diet Coke all over her. Sylvia felt so bad that she offered to pay the cost of the shirt but Hazel told her not worry about it. So Sylvia invited her to a party. Then, before Hazel's eyes she was at a party with the PLD's she couldn't believe it, and before she knew it she was siting at their table at lunch. The PLD's have a tradition, every time one of girls babysat they would pull a prank on them, and let me tell you the pranks were very scary. Every so often the girls would get these really creepy text messages talking about death and the person was threatening them. But then as the story went on, something terrible happened.........Why I rated the book The reason why I rated this book with all five stars is because I thought that this book was so different and I never read anything like it before. This book kept me going every time I needed to stop I couldn't, all I wanted to do was read, read, read. When I look for a book I look for a little Mystery but not to much of it, and I also look for teen drama and this book is both and that's why I liked this book. Plot- the plot of the story was there was a killer among them and people were being betrayed

Sylvia, Megan, Carolyn, and Ellen are known as the Pretty Little Devils - the most popular group in the school. Everybody knows them. Everybody wants to be them. Suddenly, Hazel IS one of them. She gets to go to the soirees, the parties, everything. And she snagged Matty Vardeman, the guy of her dreams.Suddenly, however, Breona, the head cheerleader and Sylvia's biggest enemy, turns up dead. The police are in the school, questioning everybody, and the table is turned upside down. No one can be sure of anyone anymore. Nothing is every certain. You may think you know someone... but you might not.I wasn't sure if I was going to like this book or not. I'd heard of people who loved it or hated it, and I hadn't really seen anything in the middle. I thought it was really good though. It wasn't just the usual 'the popular girls and their lives, blah, blah, blah,' that I usually see. It was a really good mystery that kept you on your toes.

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