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Teen Wolf Novel (2000)

Teen Wolf Novel (2000)

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About book Teen Wolf Novel (2000)

As a huge fan of the show, I was eager to read this novel and I wanted nothing more than to love it because Teen Wolf has been one of my favourite shows for a long time. I'll be honest, I liked it, but I didn't LOVE it. Maybe I had exceedingly high expectations for this book because of my love for the show, but I found it some what disappointing if not (dare I say it) boring at a few parts. Half the time it felt like I was reading a fanfiction, which is something that was expected because it essentially is.However, I would say it is definitely worth reading for the Derek flashback scenes, it'll be interesting to see if any of that gets incorporated into the show. I mean we already saw (S4 SPOILERS) that Kate had seduced a younger Derek, so it's accurate in that detail. Highlight: The chapters involving Derek as it gave the chance to delve into his past, something they don't really develop a whole lot on the show. The flashback scenes were a key part in me enjoying the book without them it would've been a dull recount of the show with a few bits added in here and there. These parts, while they touched on the fanfiction-y border, were really well written. Especially the chapter(s) with Claudia Stilinski.Complaint: Not enough Stiles. Although, that may be because Stiles is my favourite character on the show and I can never get enough Stiles. Jeez, now I understand why it took me so long to find out about this book. It reads like a rejected script for an episodes of Teen Wolf. Jackson's storyline in this was laughable out of place. The only decent parts where those that included Stiles. Don't get your hopes up with this, either Holder didn't talk to Jeff Davis in detail before writing this book or she has the same view on consistencies as he does.

Do You like book Teen Wolf Novel (2000)?

I cannot even right now.I will have Derek Hale feels forever. Those flashbacks killed me.

one word....amazing. It gives a great back story on each character.

I am very excited to read this.

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