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On Fire: A Teen Wolf Novel (2012)

On Fire: A Teen Wolf Novel (2012)

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3.77 of 5 Votes: 2
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1451674473 (ISBN13: 9781451674477)
MTV Books

About book On Fire: A Teen Wolf Novel (2012)

This is most certainly a tie-in novel. By which I mean, it's hampered by the need to fit seamlessly between episodes of the TV show without altering the status quo of any characters, and it has to rely on the tidbits of information the author has been given about the characters' back stories that are all-too-likely to be contradicted by future revelations on the show itself. Given these constraints, Nancy Holder, a tie-in novel veteran, does her best, and it's obvious why she's made a career out of this kind of writing -- she has an amazing ear for character, and the ability to write distinctly from the point of view of most of the credited Teen Wolf cast. Her Lydia voice, in particular, is fantastic, and gives us a better sense of her character than three seasons of the show has. Holder makes a point of giving awesome hero moments to fan-favorite characters, and also doesn't sugar-coat characters' flaws -- like the fact that Jackson Whittemore is kind of a selfish coward.Unfortunately, the book's plot is made up of several elements that don't really work together, with a weak A-plot tied ineffectively into several show-related B-plots. Certain plot threads to absolutely nowhere, and the pacing (especially sorting out when events happen in relation to each other, from the various points of view) is completely off. The prose is workmanlike at best, but frequently downright terrible, with enough proofreading errors to evidence how quickly this must have been sent out the door. In addition, the novel features flashbacks to the (now inaccurate, as of later show developments) backstory of series anti-hero Derek Hale, and these flashbacks largely center around his past as a victim of statutory rape by a mass-murderer. The scenes are actually well done, showing with creepy accuracy the manipulations an adult woman would use to seduce a 16-year-old boy, but they're also incredibly uncomfortable to read and stick out oddly in a book that's otherwise relatively lighthearted.If you love Teen Wolf enough to want more from the voices of its characters, this book is a fun, easy read -- but I'm not sure I could recommend it without reservation. The book On Fire: A Teen Wolf Novel, is based off the Mtv series Teen Wolf. A high school student Scott McCall goes to Beaconhill High School. A series of murders have been going on in Beacon and the police have said it was because of Mountain Lions. Scott knew it is more to it than they say. He goes on a journey to see what's been going on and gets bit. A new girl comes the school the next day and Scott is very attracted to her. Scott starts to go through changes from the bite and Allison, the new girl, is trying to figure out what is wrong with Scott. Scott eventually finds out that he is a werewolf after some research. He would turn into one when Scott is with Allison.I love this book, but I love the show more. I think the book has more detail but the show has amazing graphics. I prefer this book for anyone who likes sci-fi or suspense, but if they want to see a real show then they should watch Teen Wolf. This book is based off of Season 1. Season 3 start on June 3, 2013.

Do You like book On Fire: A Teen Wolf Novel (2012)?

Really not good, and yet I loved it??? DEREK ANGST. THE WHOLE BOOK WAS DEREK ANGST.

I knew this wouldn't be good, but I didn't know it would be this bad.

This is my Sh*t!!! lol

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