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Tamed By A Highlander (2011)

Tamed by a Highlander (2011)

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4.05 of 5 Votes: 4
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0446552364 (ISBN13: 9780446552363)

About book Tamed By A Highlander (2011)

2.5 star plane read. Mairi and Connor have been in love since they were kids, but that ended spectacularly when he went into King Charles' service seven years ago and Mairi felt that he turned his back on Scotland and Catholicism. Now they're stuck at Whitehall together with courtly intrigue abounding. This felt so early 90s, with all of Connors crap and shoulder action. At least Mairi was a spy and good in battle and called him on it most of the time. I didn't think I would enjoy this on audio with the same accents as Diane Galbadon's Outlander had, but it obviously wasn't the accents that bored me. I thought this one was so good! I liked the characters and felt their pains and joys with them:) And, although the library has more books by Paula Quinn that I will prob. read, this is the only one in audio format:( I really enjoyed listening to this!

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I would rate this a 4.5. A great read with great characters...

It failed to keep my attention at times

characters very well portrayed

really good


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