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Highlander For Christmas (2012)

Highlander for Christmas (2012)

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1306743850 (ISBN13: 9781306743853)
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About book Highlander For Christmas (2012)

I knew after reading the first chapter that this story was not going to interest me much. My whole visual of Finlay (our hero) was not one of the typical alpha highlanders I'm used to reading about, the ones that wield swords and are incredibly intimidating (which I love btw), but one of a man with a more sensitive nature. Although he was also referred to as a warrior, I just couldn't imagine it no matter how hard I tried. He was a poet who used his words, especially when speaking to Leslie, he was one smooth talker (I could definitely see why it was so easy to give it up to him). The other issue I had was the author's use of what was suppose to be a Scottish brogue, but really? the whole story was in regular english with the hero only using the words "ye" and "yer"...this dialogue felt out of place to me. All I can say about the ending was it was abrupt A Highlander for ChristmasBy Paula Quinn5 starsA SEASON OF MAGICAs the bard of the MacGregor clan, Finlay Grant is a natural-born charmer. He can easily win the heart of any lass . . . But somehow, the right words to express his love for stunning Leslie Harrison have eluded him. Yet as Christmastide approaches, Finn knows he must find a way to propose to the raven-haired beauty who has stolen his heart.A BATTLE FOR TRUE LOVEA furious Leslie Harrison could run her brothers through for promising her to another. But she will do anything to save her family from dishonor . . . Even though in her heart she knows no other man but Finn will do. When Leslie's betrothed makes a dastardly deal, putting her family and the MacGregor clan in danger, Finn will prove that he's just as fierce in battle as he is sweet in song. Can these two lovers find a Christmas miracle that will grant them a happily-ever-after?My ThoughtsAlways loving reading about those hunky highlanders and a Christmas story is always a rare treat.This was a very cute fun and fast read and loved it !What is it with those Highlanders always waiting to the last minute to declare there love to the one they want to take to wife and have there bairns.Finn and Leslie need a Christmas miracle. The dashing Bard Finn is to late in declaring his love for Leslie as she is now promised to another.It order to return her family to England she must marry the Earl to restore there good name as they have been branded as traitors.Finn lets Leslie go knowing that she is taking his heart with her. But, those Highlanders don't give up what they consider there's and will do what it takes to get back belongs to them and Finn is no different he may be a Bard and not a Warrior but he can plan and attack and have the MacGregor clan at his back while doing it !This novella was a fun filled adventure and several times had you smiling at Finns smooth talking ways especially with the ladies..Finns dashing good looks and smooth tongue has the ladies swooning can only be allies to him in his siege to come.Leslie and Finn truly love one another and you can only keeping your fingers crossed that things will work out. Would she be able to live with her decision and without Finn ? And he without her ?A touching story where once must let go of the past to start anew and what better time to do so then at the Christmas Holidays which bring love laugher and miracles...A Recommended read to all ! Paula has her novella on Amazon for only .99 cents this Holiday season. And be sure to pick up some of Paula Quinn's other novels involving those hunky Highlanders of the MacGregor Clan as there stories are great reads also !

Do You like book Highlander For Christmas (2012)?

Cute novella. While Finn was never my favorite of the gang, I did like his story.

Paula Quinn has, yet again, given us an amazing story.

Great...loved our bards story!

Loved it!

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