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A Highlander Never Surrenders (2008)

A Highlander Never Surrenders (2008)

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3.61 of 5 Votes: 6
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0446619132 (ISBN13: 9780446619134)

About book A Highlander Never Surrenders (2008)

Highlander romances are my guilty pleasure, but the expansive cast of characters and backstory in Paula Quinn's series makes me forget about the guilt aspect. It's a well written story with great characters, and despite the fact that the story takes the turns you expect a typical romance novel to take, it's still a page turner. I also really appreciate that Paula has a recurring cast of characters because you get to see the characters you've fallen in love with (eg Callum and Kate) grow, and with this sequel you get to see Graham fall in love. The only regrettable thing about this book is the cover, but that's a minor problem. I enjoyed this 2nd installment of Paula Quinn's book featuring the ever sexy and delicious Graham Grant!! For starters he's got green eyes and I am a sucker for a green eyed man, then he is strong and intelligent and laid back and always calm because nothing seemed to ruffle his feathers. Of course until he met Claire Stuart, then all his calm laid back unruffled feathers blew away like leaves in a stiff breeze, LOL!!! I loved Claire and her behavior, not the typical woman from this period, preferring to wear man's clothing than a woman's gown. She was great wielding a sword and being a stubborn ass woman in general. Where as she tried to fight the attraction between her and Graham, he, the notorious rogue he was, was in hot pursuit, never expecting that she would be the first and only woman to ever hold his heart and all of his attention. I loved Robert too, he was such a sweetie; we got to see a lot of the characters from the first book return, including Kate and Callum and Maggie. I loved the storyline, Claire trying to save herself and her little sister, while at the same time trying to avoid falling for Graham and trying to prove who the culprit was behind an issue involving her brother. The book was good, the men were sexy, and the sex was better. I suggest this book to anyone, I don't think you'd regret reading it, just read the 1st book first.

Do You like book A Highlander Never Surrenders (2008)?

Took me a while to get into the story, I enjoyed them but the story ended abruptly.

4.5 STARSI absolutely LOVED this. Totally wonderful :)

I liked but there wasn't enough ending for me.

more more more....where is book 3?????????

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