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Seduced By A Highlander (2010)

Seduced by a Highlander (2010)

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3.6 of 5 Votes: 4
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0446552372 (ISBN13: 9780446552370)

About book Seduced By A Highlander (2010)

When I read reviews after I rated a book it always surprises me how opinions can differ. Personaly I rate a book to reflect how it managed to extract me from daily life. If I cannot put it down, reading makes me late for work, I want to keep on reading when I know I better get some sleep and am not catching myself skipping pages because of some boring writing (mostly inner reflection); that's when I give 5 stars. This was one of those good reads.I lately read some silly romances and started thinking I just had read too much historical romances. Thankfully this series proved that those wonderful reads like this one are out there. Thank you. I do like this series! I just finished listening to the audiobook Seduced by a Highlander. I usually listen only on the way to work or while out walking. After this morning's walk, I just had to keep my Ipod turned on and listen while I was doing laundry, cooking, getting ready for a work get the picture. I had to hear how Tristan and Isobel get their happily ever after. Tristan MacGregor's and Isobel Ferguson's families are enemies due to tragic events of 10 years past in which Tristan's beloved uncle was killed. In retaliation, Isobel's father was killed by Tristan's father. However, Tristan believed he was ultimately responsible for the conflict and still blames himself.Tristan and Isobel are great characters. I liked that the hero didn't feel like he had to draw his sword every time someone threatened or insulted him. In more than one case, Tristan ends up unconscious rather than victorious, which ultimately makes him even more of hero. Isobel's strength is for her family and that keeps her from trusting Tristan, since their families are enemies. Isobel's brothers are great, especially the devilish Thomas, and are a heartwarming part of the story. This a true romance. Most of the book is about the budding romance between Tristan and Isobel. Key to this romance is the relationship Tristan has with Isobel's brothers because her family is very important to her. The book is also about Tristan becoming the person is was meant to be, the person he had denied for many years. If you like charming heroes, strong heroines, ornery kids and heartwarming romance, you will like this book.

Do You like book Seduced By A Highlander (2010)?

The female is bad ass maaan... Loved her just as much as I loved the male lead

Tristan and Isobel...just fabulous...

good book

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