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St. Nacho's (2008)

St. Nacho's (2008)

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About book St. Nacho's (2008)

Reading this book was like watching The Hurt Locker, it was told through Cooper’s perspective – an ex-Juilliard student who’s trying to escape his past that led him to St.Nacho's – a popular gay bar in California. There, he met Shawn, the beautiful deaf bus boy who showed him something that renewed his belief in love and forgiveness. But his past came gnawing at him that took him back to where all the dark demons of his life started.The book was painfully slow-paced and the tone of the narration was too depressing – as in all throughout the book! This is my third book by Maxfield and the writing was totally different from the first two books I’ve read from her. This first book from the St.Nacho's series felt a bit too detached in comparison.Rating: 2.5 out of 5 stars I loved this book. Five stars up until Jordan. I was on edge from the introduction of Shawn. Why would you say he only looks like an angel? Why?! Spoilers.I kept expecting Shawn to show his horns. I'm whining now because I couldn't enjoy Cooper's softening because I had my shield up the entire time. I didn't melt and fall in love too because I was to busy protecting my heart. Shawn is a little kinky, loved it. The sex scenes were so matter of fact and hot at the same time. I didn't know that was a possible combination. Cooper fell in love too easily for my taste, it made his tough talk unbelievable. I expected his wall's walls to have walls, but nope.I thought Coop was supposed to be a bad boy (which in lit is not the same as a bad person) but he just hopped aboard the Self-Sacrifice Express. Where are Coop's parents? He doesn't visit or call them? Julie gave Jordan info but not her own parents? I kept waiting for them to reconcile. Couldn't Stan be even a little dangerous? What a waste of all that zeal. Where is St. Nachos? I want to go there now! Good people, feel good vibes, relaxation. I loved that setting. And all these gays. Gays everywhere. Did I say fuck Jordan already? Fuck Jordan. Whiny bastard. I wanted him dead. I know, I skipped school on how to be a good person day. Distracted by Scandal. GTG bye.

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What a gorgeous story. Absolutely loved Shawn. Going straight into the next book!

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