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Rhapsody For Piano And Ghost (2011)

Rhapsody for Piano and Ghost (2011)

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3.98 of 5 Votes: 1
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1611184126 (ISBN13: 9781611184129)
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About book Rhapsody For Piano And Ghost (2011)

I really want to give this book 5 stars and add it to my favorites shelf but there are a couple of things that prevent me from doing so. The title also was a bit much, but I usually get over stuff like that as soon as I start reading.Fitz, a talented pianist is left alone by his mother for the very first time. He's 19 years old and is enjoying freedom from his overbearing mother, who has gone to France with the latest of a string of husbands. He is socially awkward, shy and is not sure how to act around people. Fitz meets Garrett, a major user and loser, though Fitz makes excuses for his behavior because he wants so much to have someone in his life. Ari is the son of one of Fitz's mother's previous husbands. Good looking. Confident. Everything Fitz is not. After a night out with Garrett, Fitz is found in a dumpster by two ghosts, Julian and Serge. Julian and Serge are by far my favorite parts of the story. They were so entertaining. You can't help but love both of them. They dance. They cook. And they love each other dearly. They become surrogate parents to Fitz. Fitz has a habit of getting into situations where he has to call his former stepbrother, Ari, to come and rescue him. Watching Fitz and Ari's relationship come together.......... while it was GOOD....... it was also quite tiring at times. While it really didn't take THAT long, it seemed like it did. The Garrett thing showed how naive Fitz was. Yes, you can understand how difficult it would be for Fitz. He's been sheltered and controlled his entire life by his mother and he latches on to the first person to give him attention other than his former stepbrother. It just seemed like he forgave too easily and too much. I would understand the first few times but every time Garrett called, I was thinking "Good Lord, here we go again" knowing that Ari would be the one to come to the rescue when things went bad. I really enjoyed this book. I would've even enjoyed it without Fitz, Garrett, and Ari. Julian and Serge really made the story. The love story was sweet... between Ari and Fitz.... once it got to that point. I would have loved to have seen more in that regard though. Which is why I can't give it 5 stars. There was way too much time given to Garrett and Fitz (in my opinion) than Ari and Fitz.I am a fan of the author. This is my 4th by her and I've enjoyed them all, though it seems like they have all had HFN endings instead of HEA. Maybe it's just me but if I take the time to really get involved in a story, I would prefer to see everything wrapped up neatly at the end. While this one WAS, there was still the "Will they be together 6 months from now?" factor. This will not prevent me from reading more by her. Rating: ★★★★I've had this book for a while now and am always nicely surprised by the quality of ZA Maxfields work. It's well written, plot driven, the secondary characters are lovelly. I'm not sure if I'd like to read their story because it would be sad and I hate the time period it's set and wars in general. Still I loved Serge and Julian and would love to read a story with them set in the present!However Piano and Ghost is about Fitz and Ari, whose parents were married for a short time. Fitz is a musical genius on the piano but has zero people skills. So when a charming guy offers to be his friend and more he doesn't know any better. Ari is older than Fitz and works as an accountant and consultant for money fraud for diversal institutions. He has loved his step brother for years but now that Fitz has grown up his feelings are changing.Why am not giving it more than five stars?Fitz naivety annoyed me sometimes to much and Garret. The last part felt somewhat rushed and we never get to meet Fitz's mother who always seemed to be talked about.

Do You like book Rhapsody For Piano And Ghost (2011)?

Is it wrong for me to love the secondary characters of Serge and Julian more than the mains??

Oh...I remember, this one was sweet, so cute and sweet.

3.5 stars. Read for m/m team bingo challenge.

4.5 *

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