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Series: St. Nacho's

by Author Z.A. Maxfield


The Book Of Daniel (2011)

This is the 4th book in the ST Nacho's series. In this we gets Jake's brother Daniel's story. Daniel had come to ST Nacho's after handing divorce papers to his wife after discovering she was having an affair. Daniel who has always been protective of Jake, decides that since Jake is determine to l...

The Book Of Daniel (2011) by Z.A. Maxfield

Physical Therapy (2009)

2.5 rounded upI really liked this story at first; the storyline had so much potential and I enjoyed meeting all the characters, but then it fell apart for me. I was so glad Jordan told Ken about the accident right away because I hate when an MC hides important information like that and then it ca...

Physical Therapy (2009) by Z.A. Maxfield

St. Nacho's (2008)

Reading this book was like watching The Hurt Locker, it was told through Cooper’s perspective – an ex-Juilliard student who’s trying to escape his past that led him to St.Nacho's – a popular gay bar in California. There, he met Shawn, the beautiful deaf bus boy who showed him something that renew...

St. Nacho's (2008) by Z.A. Maxfield