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Physical Therapy (2009)

Physical Therapy (2009)

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About book Physical Therapy (2009)

2.5 rounded upI really liked this story at first; the storyline had so much potential and I enjoyed meeting all the characters, but then it fell apart for me. I was so glad Jordan told Ken about the accident right away because I hate when an MC hides important information like that and then it causes all kinds of problems later on. That said, I don't think Ken would have adjusted that fast to wanting someone who was guilty of killing someone while driving drunk. In general, Ken was a mess and his pull/push irritated me. Going after Jordan, then needing time, constantly sending mixed messages. And Jordan wasn't any better. He'd decide not to be with Ken, then cave at the first kiss. A lot of the conflict between them felt contrived, emotions were ping ponging all over the place and it wasn't making sense. I never really felt the chemistry between the MC's, either, so I wasn't vested in them as a couple and I was mostly impatient as I read their story.There was a lot of telling, not showing, and too much happened off page. It was confusing because I couldn't follow the reasoning of why things were happening from scene to scene. Sometimes it felt like other scenes were thrown in for no reason, like Jordan's dinner with Cooper. They didn't even talk about Ken which I thought would be a major topic. What was the point of putting the dinner in the story? To show their close friendship?The scene with Ken's mom was also weird; the confrontation didn't feel authentic to me. I understood her concern but she didn't even try to know Jordan, just put a bunch of labels on him and disregarded his worth as a person. Then she made a lot of assumptions about Ken and what he needed as well as what Jordan wanted. Maybe if some of the discussions between Ken and his family had been included in the story, her reaction might have made sense, but we didn't get much of a background other than Ken saying his family thought he was exorcizing his demons and Jordan was trying to relieve his guilty conscience. Any resolution later on was off page and only briefly mentioned.Jordan and Ken's reunion after the attack was odd, too. Not getting Ken's reaction when he got the news and not having any kind of discussion about it after Jordan left the hospital was a glaring omission for me. Again, too much off page and some of it wasn't even alluded to.Sometimes I wondered if the author wrote a bunch of separate really good scenes and then put them together without thought to how they fit together.Side note:I loved the red hat ladies and wish they'd had more page time.ETC: punctuation A sweet and moving story about redemption and trust.Jordan started as a toxic character in the previous book and it was so heartening to read how he turned his life around. Ken is an interesting character as he goes through major upheavals in his life, including deciding to come out as a gay man. They have great chemistry together and there's a warmth between them that comes across despite their up and down moments. I rather like how singleminded Ken was once he decided he wanted Jordan in his life.As always, the cast of characters surrounding the couple were wonderfully fleshed out and made the story so much richer and enjoyable.

Do You like book Physical Therapy (2009)?

i really enjoyed the first story this series, but this one was overwhelmingly good. amazing.



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