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Immortal Grave (2000)

Immortal Grave (2000)

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About book Immortal Grave (2000)

I'm going to do a blanket review of the whole series instead of each one so here goes. The first in this trilogy we meet Ree and her friends. Having lost a brother to drunk driving her brothers best friend vows to protect Ree like a brother should. You instantly fall in love with Paden!!! Certain circumstances set a series of events in motion and Ree and Paden and their friends discover their true nature. Being in some way descendants of gods and goddesses. Ree is the chosen one to lead this ragtag group and save the planet from destruction by the dark ones. You go on their journey as the trilogy unfolds. It's not all death and destruction (which this book has a lot of) there is also a love story and a love triangle. These books explore soul mates and past lives. You will be sad and you will root for the good guys and I promise you won't be disappointed!! So if gods and goddesses, vampires, love, saving the world and kick ass chicks are your thing then this is your book. Also some laughs will be had!!!! Ah so so soooo good! I loved Paden and Ree they are so adorable together and he is very hot and protective! I felt bad at first for Roland but when I knew he was going to end up with Melanie I felt better! The gods pissed me off like no other! I'm glad are stood up for her self and faced them! After all she was only saving the world! I really thought Tristan was going to make it out of this but I guess not and at was pretty sad. But how it ended was very interesting. Almost like there are going to be other books?! But anyways I really liked this story and I'm sad to see that it ended but I'm glad it ended well!

Do You like book Immortal Grave (2000)?

Loved it, and hope for more!Thank you for the trilogy of great books.

Good story, but the ending was kinda predictable.

Great ending to the trilogy!

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