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Flukes (2012)

Flukes (2012)

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About book Flukes (2012)

A pretty good quick read. I've never read a mermaid book before so I found it intriguing. To be honest there wasn't really very much as far as an overall plot to this story but it was entertaining none the less. The story was well-written and the editing was good. I also really liked the dual perspective of the novel, although I'm pretty sure the majority of the writing was from Meena's point of view. The characters were fun and I enjoyed getting to know Meena and Blake. I though the mate-bond thing wasn't very original but it was cool regardless. However I also though that Blake and Meena's relationship unfolded a bit too quickly - even with the bond. Aside from that I liked the author's take on a mermaid's abilities - I hadn't considered talking to dolphins as an ability in any paranormal books I've read before but it sounds cool to me. Overall this was a pretty good quick read. I would recommend it to anyone looking for a light and easy paranormal romance - but be advised there are a couple of sex scenes that are a bit more descriptive than what you would typically find in a young-adult novel. This book belongs more in the increasingly popular 'new-adult' category. Fully enjoyed this book!Flukes was cute, sweet, interesting, with a bit of romance. But most of all it was just a little fun and not that over the top with drama or intensity. Flukes fits that perfectly. If you are looking for a crazy, insane, intense, emotional whirlwind, this book probably isn't for you. But if you want something fun, cute, and sweet, Flukes is the perfect book!I think the lack of crazy problems in this book is what made me love it. Don't get me wrong, I love me a good crazy read with all the emotional baggage, but I just needed a break from all that. Of course this story had obstacles to overcome but the few problems that were there were necessary. There was no over the top drama ,no unnessecary arguments or banter.They have a few concerns, but they work through them together and the concerns are realistic.Meena was a great character and Blake,the love interest does have a bit of a bad boy flair because he's landed himself in community service, but you actually learn that he's not the usual "Bad Boy" at all. He's a really nice guy.My only real complaint was it was short.I wish it had been longer and would have developed a bit more.Meena has a lot of questions and shes just learning more about herself.A lot was summed up rather quickly and cut short.I think the story has potential for another book if Nicole wanted to take the story else where.So it is a HEA and it was sweet all but dont get me wrong when I say it was "Sweet romance".There is sex involved, but it wasn't all about the sex. It certainly wasn't erotica with sex scene after sex scene.This story has all the aspects of a great young adult book, but didn't cut out the Smexy parts that happen in real life!

Do You like book Flukes (2012)?

This was a cute little story. I giggled-out-loud A LOT. It was well worth reading.

One of my favorite paranormal romances! This book was amazing!

Loved the story line. Fun, mystical, magical!

3.5 stars! Perfect light hearted summer read

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