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On Christmas Hill (2012)

On Christmas Hill (2012)

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4.15 of 5 Votes: 4
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Nichole Chase

About book On Christmas Hill (2012)

On Christmas Hill was an extremely short read, but really good. I like how Nichole always has the ability to draw up her characters to where we can actually picture them and the scenes around them. In this little read, you have a young woman (Molly) who moves from Florida to Vermont to take over her Aunt's estate after she passed away. At first she isn't so sure she is going to keep it, but her Aunt's Will said she had to at least stay for a certain amount of time before she is allowed to sell it. However, once she gets there she meets the Groundskeeper (Nate)and man what a Groundskeeper he is!! Molly can't help the attraction she has toward him and vice versa. While Molly is trying to get her barrings, Nate tells her some things about Christmas Hill that make her think he's a little off his rocker. And so the adventure(s) begin.The only other thing that was disappointing besides it being so short, was the ending seemed to just drop off. You can imagine the way things went, but it would have been really nice to have a little bit more. Other than that, I will recommend this little read. A perfect Christmas story to read on a late Saturday night on the first of December to get you ready for the Holidays! I am a sucker for a GREAT Christmas story and this did not disappoint. There was love, a mystery and a little surprise all rolled into it! It left me wanting to see it made into a Hallmark movie. I kid not! I highly recommend it. If I am correct, we may actually get a part 2 next year...

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3.5 starsShort and sweet story. Good for a quick Holiday read.

Super cute! This really made me ready for Christmas.

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