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The Accidental Assassin (2000)

The Accidental Assassin (2000)

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About book The Accidental Assassin (2000)

***Very Short Review*** This book had a good concept, but the whole fall in love with someone after only knowing them for a week is a bit played out. There is way more lust then love going on here. Unless Webster's Dictionary redefined the definition of love. To sum everything up...if you like to read books about a hot, muscular ripped leading male character; a leading female character who has a likable personality, typical looks (thin, long curly hair, blue eyes); easy read; predictable ending, then this is the book for you. Don't get me wrong the book was good, but there was not a lot of depth to it. Have fun reading! Realizing how routine-based her life is, Ava McKenzie accepts her friend Tessa's offer to house-sit for her in London and throws herself to the English lifestyle. That is, until she accidentally kills a man with her car and she gets thrown in with Owen Walker, one of the most renowned assassins in the world.After reading Nichole Chase's Suddenly series, I had quite the expectation going into this one, and sadly, I was disappointed. The premise of this book had so much potential, but the book was not able to live up to it. It definitely was not what I expected, and I was disappointed.I hated how Ava didn't seem human because she felt so little remorse after killing Mr. Song. Yes, she puked her guts out, but that was mostly it. Because of that, I was not able to empathize with the characters, and I felt detached to the book. I had a hard time going through it and I had to force myself to finish the book because it had no hold on me. It's not that the book was boring - certainly not, because this book has quite the adventure! It was quite interesting, just not interesting enough to be able to hold my attention for a period of time. I felt like this book fell flat because even though there were interesting parts, I just can't help but feel like the story lacks some things. I feel like the story itself is just short, and it was just dragged on somehow to make it this long. I'm so sad that I did not like this one because I really thought I would. That said, this still won't stop me from reading Chase's future works, just maybe not from this series, because it clearly is not for me.

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Really great book! Funny, romantic and filled with action.

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