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Series: Dark Betrayal Trilogy

by Author Nichole Chase


Immortal Grave (2000)

I'm going to do a blanket review of the whole series instead of each one so here goes. The first in this trilogy we meet Ree and her friends. Having lost a brother to drunk driving her brothers best friend vows to protect Ree like a brother should. You instantly fall in love with Paden!!! Certain...

Immortal Grave (2000) by Nichole Chase

Mortal Defiance (2000)

I knew I was really going to like this series! I don't know why I got so hooked on it but I really did! I love Ree and how she does have her freak out moments but she is just really strong! I'm glad that her family now knows and that they are safe! But I knew that something bad was going to happe...

Mortal Defiance (2000) by Nichole Chase

Mortal Obligation (2011)

What would life be like if the gods took an active hand in our lives today? This series answers that question in a very original way :) I found the characters to be endearing and amusing. The book was action packed and had a fair amount of suspense. The plot was convoluted and twisted but still a...

Mortal Obligation (2011) by Nichole Chase