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Honey On Your Mind (2012)

Honey on Your Mind (2012)

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3.84 of 5 Votes: 1
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1469210681 (ISBN13: 9781469210681)
Brilliance Audio

About book Honey On Your Mind (2012)

Waverly is adjusting to life with her boyfriend, Jake. Things are going well between them. That is until Waverly gets an opportunity to bring her Honey on your Mind to television audiences. Only there are two catches. The first being that Waverly will have to work with Wendy. There is no lost love between these two ladies. The second thing is that Waverly will have to move to the East Coast. Waverly is about to take on the Big Apple. I love Waverly Bryson. I have become a fan of her’s since the first book, Perfect on Paper. Her Honey Notes are classic. I wished that I had come up with this idea. A way to get paid for saying what is on my mind in some times a sarcastic way. Waverly is nice, fun, and her corny jokes are great. Jake is the greatest boyfriend to put up with Waverly. Having said all this, I sadly was disappointed by this book. I had a hard time getting into this book in the beginning. In fact, I put this book down and did not pick it back up for about several months. Then I started reading it again and it was not long before I found myself skimming some of it. I am glad that I do not have to work with someone like Wendy. She is so fake. However, I must admit that the barbs that she would throw Waverly’s way did keep things interesting. Waverly and Jake make such a cute couple. I am glad that Waverly has someone like Jake. What for me lost some of the luster in this book was the carefree attitude that Waverly has. This helps Waverly to be more herself. There was too much drama going on in this book. I hope that the next book reverts more back to the first book. In the 3rd installment of the Waverly Bryson saga, Waverly has left her friends and the comfort of her San Francisco rent-stabilized apartment to move to New York City. She was offered a job she just couldn't refuse - to host her own segment on a popular day-time television show based on the dating column she used to write called "Honey on your Mind". Waverly is still in a long-distance relationship with her wonderful boyfriend Jake who lives in Atlanta. Waverly initially thinks being on the same coast as Jake will bring them closer but between her demanding new job and the growing popularity of her Honey branded merchandise line, she begins to fear the exact opposite. On top of that, she is in on a secret involving both her co-worker and a new close friend and doesn't know if it's better to feign ignorance or spill the beans. Though on paper, it seems Waverly's dreams are all finally coming true, she begins to wonder if the rug will be pulled out from under her. I enjoyed Perfect on Paper and with the exception of the "Red" storyline LOVED It's A Waverly Life. Although I was excited to read Honey on Your Mind, I wasn't sure if a third installment was really necessary and when I first started reading, I was afraid my fears were warranted. For the first quarter of the book, I was not impressed. I was bored with Waverly's friends and their ever-witty banter. Although it was supposed to be natural, it felt forced, especially Andy's constant comments about McKenna's baby. I could have sworn I heard a laugh track. I also found Waverly to be just too perfect; everybody loves her; she's klutzy in that adorable way; and she's entirely too self-deprecating. She shoves her face with chocolate and never gains a pound and let's face it, how did she get so damn successful so quickly? She just instantly knew how to engage an audience on live television? Please.Even while I was thinking these things to myself, I couldn't put the book down. And I didn't want to. The author writes in such an effortless way that the pages practically turn themselves and I do appreciate that. I also was especially interested in her struggles with long distance dating since my boyfriend lives across the country. Additionally, despite being just a bit too endearing to be real, I found Waverly to be relatable. Finally, towards the end, she really did have me on the edge of my seat wondering what Jake wanted to talk about. Although I was quite confident that things would turn out fine for Waverly, I admit to having my occasional doubts. But what finally brought this story from 3 to 4 stars for me was everything that happened from New Year's Eve on. It was incredibly touching and yes, I shed a tear - maybe two. Finally, although I think the new cover is pretty, I wish it did not depart so much from the other ones. They are supposed to be a brand and yet this one looks nothing like the others. I'm pretty certain that there will be a fourth book and I'm also pretty certain I will read it! Just the same, I'm kind of hoping Murnane will put Waverly Bryson to bed and try something new soon. Even Kinsella knew when to stop with the Shopaholic Series.

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