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Cassidy Lane (2014)

Cassidy Lane (2014)

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3.6 of 5 Votes: 4
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1477849947 (ISBN13: 9781477849941)
Lake Union Publishing

About book Cassidy Lane (2014)

What a great story. A romance about a romance writer and her unromantic life. When Cassidy Lane returns to the West Coast for her High school reunion she is reintroduced to Brandon, a classmate who was shy and had a major crush on Cassidy way back when. Now an attorney, they click and begin a long distance, NY to California romance. Things are going great until Brandon's mother get ill and he ends the relationship. She uses this experience to write a new book and you are left wondering if fiction can become real life. 3.5 stars. This book was a quick, easy read and I would have enjoyed it more if it hadn't felt so meta. I just felt like Cassidy was made to be so self-aware, and some of the things she said, about New York or writing just felt kind of fake. Staged. Self aware. Frustrating, because I got wrapped up in the story and moments like those jolted me out of it. It also felt very plotted out, like I could feel the shifts in plot and I remember thinking oh, here's the drama into the second act. The end was a bit frustrating, too.

Do You like book Cassidy Lane (2014)?

All Murnane books have been a lot of fun to read--simple, relateable as a single girl.

Really more 2 1/2 stars

fun, quick read.

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