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Chapter Two (2000)

Chapter Two (2000)

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3.75 of 5 Votes: 3
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1477827412 (ISBN13: 9781477827413)

About book Chapter Two (2000)

Perfect on Paper, Honey On Your Mind and Chocolate for Two are some of favorite feel good, fast read books.Waverly Bryson is now in NYC, she's working on her TV show and trying to run her company. I love NY so I really enjoyed her adventure through the big apple.Maria Munane like Waverly Bryson she's growing and continues to entertain. Can't wait to see what she has in store for us. This is the fourth novel to feature Waverly Bryson and friends. It's been quite wonderful to watch Maria Murnane grow as a writer. Life is pretty great for Waverly right now: she's engaged to Jake, her Honey business is going very well, and her stint on a syndicated talk show has garnered her lots of attention. People relate to Waverly - both characters in the book and the reader as well.Jake's mother is, well, she is something that rhymes with witch. She knows that her behavior is cold enough to freeze alcohol, but she seems to feel it's her right as the mother of the groom. Waverly, whose mother is deceased, isn't quite sure how to handle Mrs. McIntyre and thus allows herself to be railroaded in all decisions.Waverly is also facing an increased workload at her TV job. In addition, her friend, Paige, who also runs the Honey product distribution side of things, is pregnant and due to go on maternity leave. Throw in a wedding and an beyond overbearing future mother-in-law and you can feel Waverly's stress come right of of the page.Waverly, Jake, and the rest of the cast of characters are genuinely likable. My one complaint is that Waverly "ums" her way through so many conversations with her future MIL that you want to smack her and tell her to grow a spine. It's annoying when people do that in real life and it's annoying in a book as well. Overall, it's a fun read. I do wish that there had been more of a storyline - maybe less locations, less characters and more substance. Recommend for fans of the series.

Do You like book Chapter Two (2000)?

Cute story love following the story of Waverly Bryson. The adventure continues in NYC.

Not good but worked for some light, late night reading and takes place in NYC.

This is a fun read. I'm sorry I'm done with the series.

great beach read

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