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Chocolate For Two (2013)

Chocolate for Two (2013)

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3.74 of 5 Votes: 1
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1611099110 (ISBN13: 9781611099119)
Lake Union Publishing

About book Chocolate For Two (2013)

I love, love, loved this book. Waverly never fails to entertain me. I love her inner monologues when she's trying to stand up to Jake's mum. I think I would be exactly the same in her shoes. All she wants is for Jake's mum to like her as much as she like his ex Holly. However, Waverly and Mrs McIntyre don't exactly have the same vision for the wedding. Add in a pregnant co-owner who needs replacing soon and her new producer has upped her Honey on Your Mind segment to 5 times a week and Waverly's life is falling apart. She can't be in two places at once, she can't run the Waverly shop and film 5 segments a week of Honey on Your Mind.This book had the perfect ending. It was super cute. If you love chicklit then I highly recommend this book and this series. This book is the fourth in this series about the life adventures Waverly Bryson, a thirty-something entrepreneur, television broadcaster, party-girl and best friend now living in New York. Very light and somewhat predictable, I don’t love these stories but they are entertaining. Waverly is maturing a bit which is a good thing but still it takes her a while to get her act together…and most of the male characters have no depth at all. Not sure I will read another one.

Do You like book Chocolate For Two (2013)?

It was a sweet book, but about half way through there were more typos than I care for

Another fun read in this series. Great quick read, perfect as a vacation book.

This was a sweet love story between Waverly and jake. I enjoyed it very much.

It was not as good as the 3rd in the series but better than first 2.

Meh. Didn't do anything for me at all.

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