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Series: Maigret

by Author Georges Simenon


The Late Monsieur Gallet (2014)

Émile Gallet è morto. La moglie piena di sussiego, il figlio così simile nel fisico, ma dal carattere totalmente diverso, una casa dove è difficile immaginare il defunto nelle sue stanze. Tutti aspetti che stonano con l'immagine del personaggio: lavoro mediocre, viso mediocre, vita mediocre, ma...

The Late Monsieur Gallet (2014) by Anthea Bell

The Flemish House (2015)

Very similar to a crime in holland, with Maigret brought in without an official role in the case of a missing woman feared murdered. The chief suspect is the son of a Flemish family and it his sister who apppeals to Maigret for help.This is the usual questioning of witnesses; distilling evidence ...

The Flemish House (2015) by Shaun Whiteside

Maigret's Revolver (1992)

Poor old Maigret. This just isn't his week. Everything goes wrong from the start, and it's none of his fault, but there we are--the price of fame.Well, sort of. None of this would have happened if he'd gone home for lunch on time, instead of stopping off for a pastis or four with a workmate and g...

Maigret's Revolver (1992) by Georges Simenon

The Grand Banks Café (2014)

Another early Maigret from the prolific pen of Georges Simenon dating back to his initial writings from 1931 when this much loved creation first was published.Set at the port of Fecamp and centred around a Cafe patronised by the crew of the fishing vessel Ocean. This is another lone investigation...

The Grand Banks Café (2014) by David Coward

The Saint-Fiacre Affair (2015)

Very happy to read this book again, I remember the TV episode with Michael Gambon also with great fondness.Maigret sees a warning note alerting the police of a murder which will take place in Saint-Fiacre, the village where Maigret's mother and father lived and where he was born and grew up. No-o...

The Saint-Fiacre Affair (2015) by Georges Simenon

The Dancer at the Gai-Moulin (2015)

The host welcomed two guests: Professors Sian Reynolds and Peter France. The Maigret book chosen ("La Danseuse du Gai-Moulin" - published 1931 in France) had been recently translated into English by Sian as "The Dancer at the Gai Moulin". Peter was the editor of the “Oxford Guide to Literature in...

The Dancer at the Gai-Moulin (2015) by Georges Simenon

The Night at the Crossroads (2014)

Un Maigret anomalo. Non mi ero mai imbattuta in una sparatoria finora, non ricordo di aver mai letto del commissario con in mano una pistola e che la usi pure. Questa è la prima eccezione. Poi c’è in questo breve romanzo anche un pizzico di horror, che pure non è tipico dei Maigret. Per dire, il ...

The Night at the Crossroads (2014) by Linda Coverdale

Pietr the Latvian (2014)

I finished Simenon’s (first) Maigret detective novel: somehow I know that I read this one and many others about the inspector from Paris a long time ago. It’s a thrilling tale even though the writing seems often clumsy, take for example the shouting (rather than telling) which is inserted wheneve...

Pietr the Latvian (2014) by David Bellos

A Man's Head (2015)

Wait, is that title symbolic or did they actually still use the guillotine in 1931? Someone mentions it, but I didn't know if they were being flowery or not...Anyway, this was my introduction to Simenon and his extremely famous (in much of the world) Maigret character, and it was a pretty unique ...

A Man's Head (2015) by Georges Simenon

Maigret in Montmartre (1989)

A light but satisfying read, which I devoured in an hour or three. Having first seen the French TV series starring Bruno Cremer, and later a BBC version with Michael Gambon (and Minnie Driver as the unfortunate dancer), it was interesting to see how faithful both dramas were to the original text....

Maigret in Montmartre (1989) by Georges Simenon

The Cellars of the Majestic (2015)

In Georges Simenon's 1942 novel, Hotel Majestic, Chief Inspector Jules Maigret must solve the murder of an American tycoon's wife whose strangled body is found unceremoniously stuffed into an employee's locker in the basement of a Paris hotel. The tycoon, however, has an alibi (he's been dallying...

The Cellars of the Majestic (2015) by Georges Simenon

The Misty Harbour (2015)

Il titolo del libro esprime appieno ciò in cui si dibatte il lettore nel corso della lettura del romanzo: una nebbia fitta che avvolge i personaggi, i luoghi, gli indizi del delitto. Si arriva all’ultimo capitolo senza che il mistero sia stato almeno un poco dipanato, sono le ultime pagine a dira...

The Misty Harbour (2015) by Linda Coverdale

The Yellow Dog (2014)

The Yellow Dog is all about a stormy week in the coastal town of Concarneau. It starts with the shooting of Monsieur Mostaguen, a local wine merchant who doesn't have an enemy in the world. Inspector Maigret is called in to investigate, but before he can get very far there are more mysterious hap...

The Yellow Dog (2014) by Linda Asher

My Friend Maigret (2006)

This novel is about Maigret. Oh sure, there's a murder and an investigation, and we eventually get to know a good deal about the victim and about the suspects, but above all else, we get to know Maigret.Scotland Yard has heard about the famous Maigret, and with the permission of the Paris police ...

My Friend Maigret (2006) by Georges Simenon

Maigret à New York (2002)

La particolarità di questo Maigret è che la trama gialla viene in secondo piano rispetto alla vera caratteristica di tutti i romanzi di Simenon che costituisce l’elemento distintivo della sua scrittura e la sua grandezza: l’indagine psicologica dei personaggi. Simenon utilizza una tecnica semplic...

Maigret à New York (2002) by Georges Simenon

Maigret and the Man on the Bench (2003)

Simenon, Georges. MAIGRET AND THE MAN ON THE BENCH. (1953). ****. The similarity of plot twists between this novel and “Maigret and the Wine Merchant” is amazing. This, too, involves a man who has lost his job and is afraid to tell his wife about it. He manages to continue to leave the hous...

Maigret and the Man on the Bench (2003) by Georges Simenon

The Madman of Bergerac (2015)

Πρώτη μου επαφή με τον μεγάλο αυτό Γάλλο συγγραφέα, σίγουρα έμεινα ευχαριστημένος και στο μέλλον θα διαβάσω και άλλα δικά του βιβλία (άλλωστε έχω μπόλικα), αλλά δεν μου φάνηκε και κάνα αριστούργημα. Ο Μαιγκρέ ταξιδεύει με το τρένο για διακοπές στο σπίτι ενός φίλου του. Στην κουκέτα όπου είχε ξαπλ...

The Madman of Bergerac (2015) by Ros Schwartz

A Crime in Holland (2014)

Not a book to make your acquaintance with the writing of Georges Simenon and his wonderful creation - Chief Inspector Maigret. This is the 8th in the series and perhaps the weakest to date. It is a confusing plot set in Holland; the French police are requested to go to support a French national w...

A Crime in Holland (2014) by Georges Simenon

The Two-Penny Bar (2015)

Georges Simenon's Inspector Maigret is one of the most unusual characters in all of detective fiction. Instead of following the lead set by Edgar Allan Poe in the "tale of ratiocination" and of Arthur Conan Doyle with his wizard of 221b Baker Street, Simenon gives us a gallic policeman who solves...

The Two-Penny Bar (2015) by Georges Simenon

The Carter of 'La Providence' (2014)

Acclaimed author, Georges Simenon, once again weaves a capturing tale of mystery and suspense, with the astute Inspector Maigret at the wheel. A series numbering over 100 books, the Inspector Maigret series – after a long stint of unavailability – has, thankfully, been reintroduced by Penguin Boo...

The Carter of 'La Providence' (2014) by David Coward