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Suzanne Weyn

Suzanne Weyn
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Books: 11 | Review: 0 | Avg rating: 3.8

Books by Suzanne Weyn


Distant Waves a Novel of the Titanic (2009)

I think this book was very good and kept me wondering what was going to happen next. It had a very good ending but the beginning was not all that great, the title of the book and other things are misleading because it makes you think that the book takes place on the Titanic or the majority of the...

Distant Waves a Novel of the Titanic (2009) by Suzanne Weyn

Diamond Secret (2009)

I'm not sure why I picked this book up the other day. The cover, quite honestly, was a bit off-putting. But I'm glad I did. This was by no means a perfect book, not even for Juvenile Fiction, which is where I found it. The story did remind more very strongly of the movie Anastasia, only with t...

Diamond Secret (2009) by Suzanne Weyn

The Bar Code Prophecy (2012)

The Bar Code Prophecy follows a seventeen year old girl named Grace. In her world, everyone has a bar code tattoo that they receive when they turn 17. It holds all of their information and allows them full access into their technologically advanced world. After Grace gets her own tattoo she learn...

The Bar Code Prophecy (2012) by Suzanne Weyn

Invisible World (2012)

Suzanne Weyn weaves together magic in history in this tale that travels back in time to the Salem Witch trials in 1692. Magic and supernatural powers can be good or evil, and soon everyone in Salem must decide which side they will stand on. I love that magic is real in Invisible World (Scholast...

Invisible World (2012) by Suzanne Weyn

Beaten (2011)

The novel Beaten by Suzanne Weyn is a short story about a teenage girl being abused by her boyfriend.Paige is the head cheerleader at south side high.Ty is the star running back for the football team.After going over to Ty's house,Paige discovers that both of Ty's parents are alcoholics.Because T...

Beaten (2011) by Suzanne Weyn

The Bar Code 2-Book Set: The Bar Code Tattoo and The Bar Code Rebellion (2008)

The Bar Code Tattoo was a selection from my Book Club. It is a futuristic book about all people having a bar code tattoo placed on their arm when they reach the age of 17. Some are resistant to the idea. A young woman named Kayla is very resistant to the idea because she feels the tattoo was c...

The Bar Code 2-Book Set: The Bar Code Tattoo and The Bar Code Rebellion (2008) by Suzanne Weyn

Daring to Dream (2010)

I was recommended this book by my friend Kaitlyn and I finally decided to read it. This book is basiclly about this girl named Taylor and she really likes horses but her parents split up a while back and her mom can't afford a horse right now and her dad cant either but Taylor rescues 2 horses n...

Daring to Dream (2010) by Suzanne Weyn

The Titanic Locket (2014)

My old students came running to me with this one, saying it was a "must read" and asking if could I read it RIGHT away so we could talk about it. (Note: do not take advice from fourth graders as to what might be considered a "must read" book.)It. Was. Awful.I'm all for using fantastical ideas to ...

The Titanic Locket (2014) by Suzanne Weyn

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