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My Name Is Not Angelica (1990)

My Name Is Not Angelica (1990)

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3.6 of 5 Votes: 5
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0440403790 (ISBN13: 9780440403791)

About book My Name Is Not Angelica (1990)

I had never heard of the St. John's slave revolt in 1733. The book tells the story of Raisha, the daughter of a lesser Barato chief, beginning in Africa. The first chapter tells of the events leading to their being sold into slavery, and pictures her life of freedom. The horrors of the voyage and the terror of being sold are brought to life. Cruelty was apparently common, and the life of the slaves was held in small regard. Raisha was betrothed to a chief in her former life in Africa, and they are sold to the same plantation. He escapes before too long, and heads the slave revolt from Mary Point. After new and harsh slave laws are passed, Raisha escapes also. A preacher marries her and Konje in the camp as they prepare for the revolt. At last, a French ship of war from the nearby island of Martinique arrives. The French soldiers come to the slave camp to end the revolt, but things turn out differently than they expect. Konje realizes the futility of resistance, and as the soldiers watch, the entire camp jump from the cliff to their deaths below rather than return to slavery. Raisha alone, knowing she is a carrying a child, refuses to commit suicide. She is taken to Martinique where she and her child are freed after a year.The book is not a pleasurable read, due to the horror described throughout. There is love too, but the whole story is a tragedy. It would be a good book to introduce the St. John's revolt, and to learn more about the time and customs.

“My name is not Angelica” is a book about a 16 year old girl called Raisha who smiled a lot, and was adored by many people, being a slave at an island called St. John, on Jost van Prok’s plantation in 1733. Even though she was treated like she was not worth living, she realized other slaves have worse experiences. And she couldn’t just pretend to not see anything. So she risked her life and decided to escape with them to get freedom.As soon as I started reading this book, I realized Raisha and I had a lot in common. How everyone around her says she smiles a lot, but she doesn’t really agree to that. Everyone says I smile and laugh too much, and warns me that my cheeks are going to hurt later on. But I think I am more of a non talking quiet person. But I also realized we are the exact opposite. She loves her sister. When she had to go to the island as a slave, one of her biggest reasons that she didn’t want to go was because she didn’t want to leave her sister. And she is also very tall as a 16 year old. But I am one of the shortest people in the grade.I would recommend this to people that has forgotten about love. Love to their friends, love to their families, and love to their selves. And that is why recommend it to people my age; teenagers. It is a story about a brave girl risking her life to save other people. So basically, I want anyone, at any age, to reads this book, and feel loved, lovable, and wanting to do something.

Do You like book My Name Is Not Angelica (1990)?

King Konje and his highest council was invited to a feast by a king from another island. It was a trick to get Konje and his council there so they could be kidnapped and sold as slaves. My Name Is Not Angelica tells the story of how Africans were treated aboard the slave ships, how they were auctioned and bought, and how they came about their slaves names. Anyone who has the courage to learn more about the truth of slavery and the harsh treatment the slaves had to endure should not only read My Name Is Not Angelica but should visit My Name Is Not Angelica is a story that should be read over and over to children so that they can, unlike adults of today, recognize slavery when they see it and, like a fire, put it out before it gets out of hand.Those who have insisted that Blacks should forget about their very own Holocaust should read My Name Is Not Angelica because it can help them embrace the savagery of their ancestry.
—Vannessagrace Vannessagrace

I did not enjoy this book at all, and I was truly expecting to. I have always been upset at the historical portrayal of the end of slavery- Abraham Lincoln as the hero to the omission of the role of slave rebellions. I was hoping this book would fill in the blanks. The characters were empty, the dialogue was weak, and the action was unimpressive.I also was disappointed that the author didn't choose a successful rebellion, but instead one that ends in the characters "escape" through suicide. I would not recommend this book.
—Guadalupe Ramirez

This book took a while for me to get in to, but once I got to the middle it was better. Each chapter left me hanging, and I had to keep going to see what happened. :) The chapters were short, and the book overall was a short easy read. I enjoyed it until the end. The ending was horrible. It was so abrupt and anti-climatic. I would recommend this book to young adults ages 12-14. Angelica, the main character, is not much older than that, and I honestly don't think it would keep the attention of older young adults. It might, though, as it speaks of slavery and some of the horrible things they did to the slaves on the islands of the Caribbean.Warnings:-Language: None-Sex: None-Violence: They talk of whipping and branding humans, but nothing too in depth. Still sad to imagine.-Drugs and Alcohol: They drink rum and beer, but it never goes into detail of anything horrible. There is one night when the owner comes to the hut of Angelica, drunk as can be, and tells her she is free. She declines, and he acknowledges he is drunk. That's about as intense as it gets.

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