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Must Love Fangs (2013)

Must Love Fangs (2013)

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3.87 of 5 Votes: 4
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1451661827 (ISBN13: 9781451661828)
Pocket Books

About book Must Love Fangs (2013)

Rating: A- Narration: B-First Impression:Another fun and sexy read from Jessica Sims.What I liked:Everything.Marie is a great heroine. She’s strong and sassy. She’s a little naïve when it comes to supes even though she’s worked as Midnight Liaisons for a year. But she keeps to herself and the supes try to keep as much as they can from humans so her naïve about them is understandable.Joshua is just down right sexy. I picture him as Jason Stackhouse in True Blood but with more brains. LOL He’s known as a player, never having a long relationship with one woman. But Marie has him wanting more. And good for her, she makes him work for it.What I didn’t like:Nothing! As far as the writing, plot and characters I really enjoyed Must Love Fangs. My only complaint was the narration.The Narration:Leah Mallach continues to do an ok job with the narration. My only complaint this time around is her lack of a French accent for Marie when she was cussing in French. Marie’s mother was French Canadian and that’s where she learned to cuss in French. But I guess with Marie living in Texas she’s not going to have a French accent but still I would have liked to have a good fake French accent. Mallach didn’t change her accent at all for those French dirty words.Lasting Impression:Must Love Fangs has it all; humor, mystery, sexy times, sad times and fur and fangs. Jessica Sims is always a good for a light and fun read.Will I continue this series?Yes! I’ve requested book 4, Wanted: Wild Thing from the audio publisher already and can’t wait to listen to Ryder’s story. The one star is for Josh only. I love Josh! He's such a sweetheart. I honestly think he deserved better than stupid Marie! it just annoys me that she never gets the medical attention to get properly diagnosed. Then after professing her love to Josh runs off to another man who gives her the creeps! I mean I get she believes she's dying but does that really give her the reason to act stupid as hell!!? Apparently it does! Very disappointed with this book!

Do You like book Must Love Fangs (2013)?

Continues to be fun! Snappy writing- keeps your interest!!

This is my favorite in the series so far.

3.5 stars! Review to come.

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