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Desperately Seeking Shapeshifter (2012)

Desperately Seeking Shapeshifter (2012)

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4.09 of 5 Votes: 4
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1451661819 (ISBN13: 9781451661811)

About book Desperately Seeking Shapeshifter (2012)

I ordered his book directly from my Kindle after reading Single Wolf Female (free from Amazon at at the time). While I loved the story and enjoyed the characters, but I had quite the sticker shock when I read my email in the morning and realized I'd spent over 8.50 (after tax) on an ebook. My bad- and the story was good, but I promptly ordered what books were available from my library instead of paying the outrageous prices for ebooks. Great author, good stories, but it's up to the reader to determine if they want to spend so much on an ebook. Honestly, I have to say Sarah and Ramsey's relationship reminded me to Tonks and Lupin's from Harry Potter. Him, a shy, romantic, excluded man and her, a crazy, colourhead and with a great, original personality. I wanted to punch them both sometimes but I loved the couple since the first book.I thought they were a couple in the first book already, aparently I was wrong.Now I want a shapeshifter, thank you very much, Jessica Sims.

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This series is getting better looking forward to next book in Aug.

So cute!!! I love Ramsey and Sara!

Really enjoyed this one.

I love it.

3.5 stars

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