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Beauty Dates The Beast (2011)

Beauty Dates the Beast (2011)

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1439188238 (ISBN13: 9781439188231)

About book Beauty Dates The Beast (2011)

I read this one a couple of years back and just now listened to it on audiobook. I remember when I read it thinking it was a wonderful, quirky, sexy read. I like the story line and now I have to read the next installments which I haven't yet. The narrator in the audiobook was nearly as good to listen to as reading the book on my own though. It wasn't terrible, but I enjoyed reading it better than listening to it. Was interested in reading Jessica Sims when I came across a short story "Out With a Fang" in the anthology " the Undead in my Bed". It was a terrific short story,I loved the characters and the plot (romance,humor, and little suspense). I loved it soooo much, I decided to try her Midnight Liasons series. I tried to overlook the main character's name, Bathsheba (gag), but she was almost TSTL, and it was difficult to like her. The characters were as 2 dimensional as the pages they were written onto. Bathsheba is just holding it together till someone can come in and rescue her...ugh.Luckily her love interest, Beau Russell is more interesting and there's a sup-plot that keeps thing going. I will admit that the second book in the series is about her sister and I'm curious enough to try it. I have my fingers crossed that the next book will more like "Out with a Fang" and less like "Beauty..."

Do You like book Beauty Dates The Beast (2011)?

Cute fun paranormal romance, an easy read with likable characters.

Really liked it and definitely worth continuing the series.

I couldn't was just too horrible.

Absolutly wonderful.

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