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Knowing Caleb (2008)

Knowing Caleb (2008)

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1596327758 (ISBN13: 9781596327757)
Loose Id LLC

About book Knowing Caleb (2008)

Substantial, satisfying and romantic. The demon aspect is a sexy, angsty enhancement to this series, and I'm sorry that this book marks the last of the Hawkins brothers' stories. The MCs had major personal obstacles to overcome before their relationship could be a reality. Jake's guilt over betraying his dead wife's memory is a theme we have seen before in M/M. It can become exasperating and at times that happened here, but the way both men ultimately resolved the issue was heartwarming (somehow without devolving into mawkish sap). Caleb had hangups with his demon nature and the acts of evil he was compelled to commit in his distant past. He believed himself unworthy of love or happiness. The story was a traditional gay-for-you in that neither man had had male leanings in the past and both were badly confused by their feelings. However, even with frequent I'm-not-gay what-the-fuckery on both sides, they were astute enough to recognize this 'problem' as the least of their worries.The absence of cliche annoying homophobic characters was refreshing. The boys had plenty to contend with in their own issues and a mysterious outside threat against Caleb's life. Sex scenes are frequent, vigorous, raunchy, and detailed, written in Dane's recognizable style which readers either cotton to or don't. Long without ever getting tedious, and wrapping up believably and warmly on all sides, this is a feel-good read that isn't light or fluffy. Recommended. A GFY romance that takes the phrase "hard loving" to a whole new level. These guys really go at it hard…clashing teeth, no lube, spit….I could not stop the empathetic ass-clenching that took place every time I read one of those love scenes. Caleb is a ranch-owning, rodeo cowboy and shapeshifter. Caleb considers himself straight. Jake is a rodeo cowboy and a widower, who is still carrying the torch for his ex-wife. Caleb hires Jake to be the foreman on his ranch. Their romance is one of fighting there attraction to each other. Although, I prefer softer, more romantic love-making….I thought this was a great story none the less. I did not find the fantasy aspects particularly compelling, but I am guessing Caleb's paranormal capabilities would have made more sense to me had I read the first three books in the series.

Do You like book Knowing Caleb (2008)?

I really liked it. Some of the "sex talk" was cheesy, but all in all it was really good.

Loved it. Caleb is by far my favorite Hawkins brother.

It's soooooo sweet....3-3.5 Stars

Loved this one.

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