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The Ultimate Kink (2008)

The Ultimate Kink (2008)

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3.17 of 5 Votes: 3
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1596328312 (ISBN13: 9781596328310)
Loose Id

About book The Ultimate Kink (2008)

Well, let's just say this book had a shocking sex scene for me - I am not into Femdom books, come to think of it I only read one before this. But it was a great romance about healing.I also loved the fact that both main characters are Alpha personalities and I loved the way they made that work without losing their edge.It was my first book written by this author and I liked her style so much that I might just read the other in the series even if I don't read MM. I liked the first one in this series, but this one really hit it out of the park. I'm not a huge fan of the hardcore BDSM scene, but the author handled this one in a way that a) was really hot, and b) looked at all the different sides of the Scene: the good, the bad, and the ugly; how it can be the ultimate in love between a couple and how it can be abused if a partner's needs and signals aren't respected.

Do You like book The Ultimate Kink (2008)?

Dane has written another great story! I was totally engrossed in this story and in the characters.

Canin was a great male lead. Loved. Him.

good story, hot characters.

3.5 stars

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