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Grey's Awakening (2009)

Grey's Awakening (2009)

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2.6 of 5 Votes: 5
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1595785604 (ISBN13: 9781595785602)
Liquid Silver

About book Grey's Awakening (2009)

Sigh. I haven't finished reading it. I'm genuinely puzzled how this is rated so highly. I believe I've read the book after this in the series and it was much more thought out than this one. It goes from strange to downright not even remotely plausible male behaviour. Clearly not written by a man (or someone with any grasp on the reality of how male organs work or get tired or even get sensitive). Unless a man is on some weekend party drugs and Viagra he can't do what this book claims. Sadly analogies during the sex scenes are off putting (m/m fiction right? then don't for the love of God make reference to feminine things or make the characters say things the way they do, guys get horny, guys yes do get emotional but guys do not engage in verbose weird arse behaviour like this). Honestly I don't recommend it (if you're a gay guy, don't waste your time). Apparently though if you're a woman this thing will get you soooo wet you'll be in heaven gauging the reactions in the reviews. Sorry but that's a tad pathetic. Whilst I understand this is the work of fiction nonetheless fiction does not need to be bordering fantasy as plausibility should enter this equation.... Honestly can women truly want what's in this book (because chicks into m/m have got to be the target of this GAY book right)? If so I pity straight men as I finally have an understanding of the pain they must face understanding women - truly baffling!I could go on about how the writing feels so distant and that you don't love the characters (they come across as douchebags) and how the sex scene out in the rain is so so so bad that I took a few days to read it determined to try to continue past it rather than skip ahead.... but hey, there's no need to continue, you get the idea..... That book's going to be one of my all-time favourite. It was first of all insanely hot, with very, very, very *n good tension going on. And yes, with a lot of sex. BUT!!!!!!! Don't skip sex scenes, the thoughts and reaction and small talk, all this during sex scenes show how characters interact show their feelings, their insecurity, their progress. And, BTW, author right from begging tells you it's going to be a book full of sex scenes.

Do You like book Grey's Awakening (2009)?

Meh... I wish these adults would learn to communicate before the last 10% of the book.

3.5this would be a straight up 4 if Si ended up kicking Grey to the curb. what a d-wad.

Loved loved this book

was alright 2.5

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