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Death In The Palazzo (1997)

Death in the Palazzo (1997)

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0684830310 (ISBN13: 9780684830315)
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About book Death In The Palazzo (1997)

I raced through this book and couldn't put it down. This is the 5th book in Edward Sklepowich's mystery series set in Venice, starring Urbino McIntyre and the Contessa da Capo-Zendrini...and it's certainly the best book yet. A November storm traps the Contessa and her guests in her palazzo for a few days, leading to what can only be described as an Agatha Christie "Ten Little Indians" type of novel, one that catches your attention right from the start and doesn't let up even when you think you know which one of the guests "did it" and who just might be next.Sklepowich's talent lies in his ability to weave a subtle mystery among the historical history of Venice, the Contessa, and Urbino. Every novel gives more insight into what makes Urbino tick and this 5th book in the series doesn't disappoint.

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