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Captured By The Highlander (2011)

Captured by the Highlander (2011)

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0312365314 (ISBN13: 9780312365318)
St. Martin's Paperbacks

About book Captured By The Highlander (2011)

I thoroughly enjoyed the development of this story of Amelia, The Butcher, the Earl of Moncrieffe and his clan. The ending left me wanting and I can not quite pinpoint why. Being a good romance novel, the hero wins the heroine in the end but i just felt the emotion that was so prevalent throughout the story was missing in the end. Still I will continue on with the series as I am anxious to see how Angus resolves his situation with the Earl. This is the first book in the series. I really liked Duncan he is definitely a swoon worthy hero. However I had a bit of a problem with Lady Amelia. I didn't find her very believable. Also the fact of how many times he left her untied after he had stolen her wasn't very believable either. You really had to suspend a lot of belief with this book especially the era it was set in (1716 Scotland). Duncan MacLean sneaks into the fort expecting to kill Richard Bennett. Instead he finds Lady Amelia in Richards bed so he takes her out of revenge & to use as bait to lure Richard to him. Richard had raped & killed Duncan's fiance Muira. This was not a bad book just some of the actions of the H & H weren't very believable for that time in history. But if you're looking for a light romantic read this is the book for you.

Do You like book Captured By The Highlander (2011)?

took me forever to finish, not because it was long, but because i kept losing interest.

Not a bad story. Good narrative. Awful dialogue - very stiff, juvenile, and awkward.

Pas mal mais il manque un petit quelque chose pour qu'il soit très bien.

I love this type of book. All I can say is I'm sucker for highlanders.

Woo-hooo!! The end.

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