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Anastasia On Her Own (1986)

Anastasia on Her Own (1986)

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0440402913 (ISBN13: 9780440402916)

About book Anastasia On Her Own (1986)

Anastasia is a slightly bookish, very organized young girl who ends up having to figure out how to manage the household when her mom leaves for ten days. At first she thinks it will be easy; she's got it all figured out how she and her father will run the house (and take care of her brother, Sam), and as a bonus, her list covers all the housekeeping duties without relying on sexist tropes. Hooray! But then everything just starts going down the tubes, with her brother getting chicken pox and her dad getting back in touch with a woman he used to date--who somehow ends up getting invited to have dinner with the family while her mom is out of town. Good thing Anastasia is adaptable! She can handle anything!Here's what I LOVE about Anastasia and all of her books: The family characters are believable, and the one-thing-after-another spiral of things that go wrong are not generally contrived. In similar books, usually just plain lack of communication or failure to see the obvious causes all of the plot-driven frustrations for the characters, but these realistic pitfalls are not unbelievable or dependent on stuff that couldn't happen in real life. I also like that just like in real life, you can see the influence of Anastasia's parents on her and her brother. The Krupnik family is well worth meeting!

** spoiler alert **Ibu Anastasia merasa dirinya bukan ibu yang baik karena sudah sering kali lupa mengeluarkan daging dari freezer sehingga makan malam keluarga mereka seadanya saja. Anastasia dan ayahnya dengan sok taunya lalu membuatkan jadwal harian keluarga Krupnik. Alih-alih dipraktekkan oleh ibunya, justru Anastasia yang harus menjadi pemeran utama dalam jadwal itu karena ibunya harus pergi ke California.Ternyata tak semudah itu menjalankan peran sebagai ibu rumah tangga ya? - Iya."Kebetulan" Sam terkena cacar air."Kebetulan" mantan ayahnya yang legendaris, Annie, mau datang makan malam di rumah mereka."Kebetulan" Steve, teman pertamanya sejak dia pindah ke situ, ngajak nge-date.Setiap harinya, Anastasia harus merevisi jadwal harian keluarga Krupnik.Tak tahan, akhirnya Anastasia menelpun ibunya dan dengan senang hati ibunya segera pulang. Setelah kedatangan ibunya, dalam waktu beberapa jam rumah sudah bersih rapi. Semua senang. Dan dengan gaji yang dia dapatkan saat bekerja di California, ibunya membeli microwave oven. Yay! Makan malam akan selalu aman.(Kindle#2Book#9)

Do You like book Anastasia On Her Own (1986)?

Oh, Anastasia, the scrapes you get in to. I didn't enjoy this book as much because it kept driving me bonkers that Anastasia's mother had to go out of town for a week, her brother got sick, and so Anastasia had to stay at home from school to take care of him...It felt like, Hello, Myron? Would you like to step up as other parent in this family, the other adult, and take care of your sick kid? You know, instead of letting your daughter miss tons of school so she can do all of these household chores and cooking and taking care of your young son? Can we all please acknowledge how weird that is?Anyway, still very funny and charming. I especially loved when Anastasia was making dinner with the help of the tap dance lessons salesman and when she ordered tons of boxes of baking soda. I love when Anastasia decides, I'm going to do this, it sounds right, and even when she questions herself sometimes, she just keeps moving forward. She's a great role model :)

How do I know the Lord is good? Because when things look absolutely grim an Anastasia book gets tossed in my lap. I found the last one at the goodwill and the one before that my sister bought me on a whim. I found this one in the Pomona Kids library last night after youth night. It is not my favorite of the Anastasia books, but it is a solid story told with wit and joy. As always the character of Anastasia is a delight. If I ever decide to get a Masters in Children's Literature (back-up plan) my thesis will be entitled: How Anastasia Begot The Giver, the development of Lois Lowry as a voice of change and hope in children's literature.

Anastasia’s mother is busy and scatterbrained, so she’s having a hard time keeping track of her responsibilities. The family decides to partake in schedule making so that the household runs better. When the mother leaves town on business, Anastasia is in charge of things. Everything should be fine if the family sticks to a schedule, right? Forget her mom’s messes. As the woman of the household, Anastasia makes huge mistakes by being gullible while talking to telephone salespeople, ruining the laundry, and so much more. Her little brother has chicken pox and her father’s former flame visits, so Anastasia has her hands full. Although I liked this novel, the premise of schedule-making and being organized didn’t completely grab me. I didn’t really enjoy the book until after Anastasia’s mom left for her trip and all the hilarity ensued. I couldn’t help but think that this book reminded me of a sitcom—short in length and humorous.
—Medeia Sharif

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