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Kathleen Duey

Kathleen Duey
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Books by Kathleen Duey


Le Choix (2011)

Personally, I did not like this book at all. At first, in Skin Hunger, I was like, okay, Sadima has found true love. But she is constantly thinking of only herself and Franklin, and it pisses me off. She has no care for others. Somiss obviously dislikes her greatly, and it shows. Also what the he...

Le Choix (2011) by Kathleen Duey

Święte blizny (2009)

If you haven’t read book one, Skin Hunger, then be warned, this follows on directly from that so there are spoilers for events in book one.The book opens with with Sadima. At the end of Skin Hunger she, Franklin, and Somiss were driven out of their home by a fire and have escaped to live in caves...

Święte blizny (2009) by Kathleen Duey

Castle Avamir (2003)

Heart continues her quest to find Castle Avamir. She and Moonsilver, the unicorn that she rescued and now keeps hidden, are on the run from Lord Dunraven and his men. Castle Avamir is supposed to be place where unicorns can be safe and run free, but when a young girls riddles finally lead her to ...

Castle Avamir (2003) by Kathleen Duey

Titanic (1998)

Do u really like tragic stories if so you this is the book for you. The genre of my book is historical fiction. I thought this book was actually great.First of all this takes place in the ocean. This place is important to the story since that's where it mainly takes place and that's where the tra...

Titanic (1998) by Kathleen Duey

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