Siempre supe que Ari sería de Tracker.Me gusto mucho, aunque si sentí que estuvo algo corto. No sentí pesado el libro y eso es muy genial porque significa que te metiste en la historia. Me habría gustado que el libro en un principio hablara sobre Tracker y Shadow, que me contaran más sobre ese vinculo de gemelos que los hace tan especiales. Me gusto que Ari fuera valiente, que no se desquitara con Tracker, que viera lo que realmente es Él. Tracker es muy bello, siempre tan atento, amable, cariñoso aunque no quisiera aceptarlo.Muero por saber que pasa con Shadow *.* Tracker and Ari's story. 1st thing I have to mention is on page 37 it says that Ari has a sister and a niece back at Hell's Eight waiting on her but Desi had a boy "Jonah" (not a big deal but had to mention).The fact that Ari has no memory of her past is a blessing in the beginning of the book as it gives a bit of time to build the story and the insertion of Tracker. Their first time together was hot I mean come on up against the wall, did not see that coming hahaha! As for supporting characters I love Zacharius and can't wait to see him find his love and stop getting torn up close to death for crying out loud! Also the intro of Maddie was heartening, poor girl being used and abused in the past, thankfully she was delivered into safety of Hell's Eight. It sucked having Shadow end up the way he did but I just know it's gonna turn around, cuz well duh his book's coming next so he obviously has more story to tell ;)
Do You like book Troublante Captive (2013)?
Such a good book. She is such a great author. I stayed up ALL night reading this.
I liked it alot. Kept in line with the other Hell's Eight books